Marine phytoplankton ecology and applications (MPEA)
Our research team works within the complex and fascinating world of phytoplankton, and studies the role of bio- and chemical interactions among marine microbes in shaping plankton food webs.
We recognize the great potential for phytoplankton products to yield renewable energy resources, and the impacts that may have for economic and ecological sustainability. We work not only with academia, but with the community and industry towards shaping a cleaner, safer world.
Our research falls into the following areas
- Phytoplankton ecology and allelopathy
- Microbial food web dynamics
- Impact of cyanobacteria on coastal fishes
- Use of marine resources
- Advanced level programs and employability impacts
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Our research, outreach and education - an illustrated look
Christien Laber
Collaborating research groups
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society Our research group studies the capacity of microalgae to purify air and water, produce energy and biomass and contribute to sustainable…
Ecochange: Ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea in a changing climate perspective Ecochange is a research programme, which intends to estimate and predict the climate change responses of the Baltic…
Ongoing projects
Doctoral project: Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae for nutrient and CO2 recovery from waste streams Microalgae can efficiently recover nutrient and CO2 from industrial waste streams. Mixotrophic…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the air The Algoland project - Cleaning the air finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the water The Algoland project finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community of knowledge from…
Project: Algoland – Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels The Algoland project "Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels" finds sustainable solutions to societal…
Project: Arctic expedition - Synoptic Arctic Survey-SAS Oden 2021 The expedition Synoptic Arctic Survey will take place onboard the Swedish Icebreaker Oden during August-September 2021. The expedition…
Project: Biogeochemical controls on primary production, primary producer community assemblage, and photic zone methane and nitrous oxide in northern Greenland fjords Global warming has large…
Project: Exploring the controls of picophytoplankton in the Arctic Ocean Tiny picophytoplankton are important organisms at the base of the Arctic Ocean marine food web. The rapidly changing Arctic…
Project: Facilitating blue growth with open courses by utilizing R&D products and virtual mobility (FOCUS) FOCUS aims to enable the exchange of knowledge and transfer of good practice from the R&D…
Project: Kalmarsund Station (K-station) The Kalmarsund Station (K-station) is a coastal sampling station that is used to study the ecology and seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea. The…
Project: Multi-Use Offshore Platform This project examines the feasibility of developing a pilot-scale multi-use offshore platform (MUOP) at the wind farm nearshore Kårehamn in the Baltic Sea.
Project: NIPROFEED - unraveling the nitrogen fixation-primary production feedback loop: implications for carbon cycling and oceanic health The NIPROFEED project explores how diazotrophs, microbes that…
Project: Nutrient uptake by picoplankton in the Arctic Ocean Picoplankton are the smallest photosynthetic organisms in the Arctic Ocean and the base of the food web. To understand how they will be…
Project: Picocyanobacteria, significant primary producers but largely overlooked players in coastal waters Tiny single-celled photosynthetic bacteria, picocyanobacteria, contribute significantly to…
Project: Virus control on Baltic Picocyanobacteria Viruses are the most abundant biological entity in marine environments and influence the abundance and evolution of microbes. Here, we explore the…
Projekt: Marine snow - microorganisms and biological processes on sinking particles in the ocean In the ocean, particles composed of aggregated biological and inorganic material are continuously…
Past projects
Project: Allelobact The goal of the project is to identify specific mechanisms of action involving allelochemicals in bacterial-algal interactions to understand their role in harmful algal bloom (HAB)…
Project: Don-Alex Does dissolved organic nitrogen from decaying vegetation fuel toxic dinoflagellate blooms in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea?
Project: Focusing on Temperature and Salinity Changes in Cyanobacteria Rising water temperatures, due to global warming, has been suggested to be beneficial for phytoplankton, especially…
Project: Impact of harmful cyanobacteria on coastal fish recruitment In the project CYANOFISH we hypothesize that fish exposed to high levels of cyanobacteria ( (exposed bays) are more tolerant than…
Project: Population genetics and diversity of aquatic protists across habitats and eukaryotic clades Our team is a member of this network, which aim is to foster collaboration around the Baltic Sea…
Project: Wetlands, Algae, Biogas (WAB) The project examines the possibility of producing biogas using macroalgae and beach cast.
Members of the group
- Anders Månsson Technician
- +46 480-44 73 06
- +46 70-554 73 06
- andersmanssonlnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Christien Philip Laber
- christienlaberlnuse
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Emil Fridolfsson
- emilfridolfssonlnuse
- Fredrik Svensson Laboratory engineer
- +46 480-44 73 44
- fredriksvenssonlnuse
- Hanna Farnelid Associate professor
- +46 480-44 62 96
- +46 72-594 98 20
- hannafarnelidlnuse
- Laura Bas Conn Laboratory engineer
- laurabasconnlnuse
- Linda Leonhardt Collaboration advisor
- +46 480-44 69 11
- lindaleonhardtlnuse
- Lisa Winberg von Friesen Postdoctoral Fellow
- lisawinbergvonfriesenlnuse
- Samuel Hylander Associate professor
- +46 480-44 73 15
- samuelhylanderlnuse
- Thi Quyen Nham Doctoral student
- quyennhamlnuse
- Thomas Mollica Research assistant
- thomasmollicalnuse
Students, guest researchers and collaborators
Leandra Gurlit
Msc Student
Emma Johansson
Guest researcher (Lund University)
Lars Behrendt
Collaborator, Uppsala University (PhenoChip project)
Eva Sörenson
PhD student (defended 2020)
Carina Bunse
PhD student (defended 2018)
Mireia Bertos-Fortis
PhD student (defended 2016)
Martin Olofsson
PhD student (defended 2015)
Maurice Hirwa
Lab technician
Elisabeth Carlsson
Research assistant
Shenhong Ma
Msc student
Kimberly Berglöf
Msc student
Nelson Mbawala
Msc Student
Sanna Majaneva , Post doc
Markus Majaneva
Post doc
Julie Dinasquet
Post Doc
Brage Frick
Entrepreneur Uppsala, Sweden
Karen Krüger
MarMlc MSc, Max Planck Institute Bremen, Germany
Karl-Johan Persson
PhD, Case Officer, County Administrative Board Kronoberg Växjö, Sweden
Astrid Weissbach
PhD, Case Officer Federal Water Authorities, HOF Bavaria, Germany
Pernilla Söderberg
PhD Chemistry, Postdoc, Research fellow
Emelie Nilsson
Financial Administrator
Martin Brusin
Msc, Laboratory technician
Research in action
Kalmar Algae Collection (KAC)
Welcome to Kalmar Algae Collection (KAC) The research group for Marine Phytoplankton Ecology and Applications (MPEA) at Linnaeus University in Kalmar maintains a collection of phytoplankton isolated mostly from the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak.
The cultures are available for purchase to a cost of 1200 SEK (140 €) for non-profit organizations and 1600 SEK (180 €) for profit organizations, shipping costs are NOT included. When ordered the culture will be sent as low cell concentration dilutes in two 10 ml tubes, to ensure the cells arrive in good condition. The tubes are packed with ice and shipped express with TNT or FedEX, to shorten transport time. If the culture is found dead at arrival a new culture will be sent, solely to the cost of shipping.
For more information contact: Fredrik Svensson
phone: +46 (0)480-447344
List of strains in the Kalmar Algae Collection*
Cyanophyceae |
KAC 16 |
Anabaena lemmermannii |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 15 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 60 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 61 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 62 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 63 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 69 |
Aphanizomenon sp |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1999 |
KAC 34 |
Nodularia harveyana |
Öresund, Copenhagen |
KAC 7 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 8 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö |
1998 |
KAC 10 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 11 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 12 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 13 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 17 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 32 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Baltic Sea |
1988 |
KAC 33 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Öresund, Copenhagen |
KAC 64 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 65 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 66 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 67 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 68 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
1996 |
KAC 70 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 71 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2001 |
KAC 86 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Baltic proper |
2011 |
KAC 87 |
Nodularia spumigena |
Baltic proper |
2011 |
Chlorophyceae |
KAC 21 |
Tetraselmis sp. |
Brackish pond, Sweden |
1995 |
Dinophyceae |
KAC 28 |
Amphidinium carterae |
Kattegatt |
1983 |
KAC 29 |
Amphidinium sp |
Portugal |
1990 |
KAC 3 |
Glenodinium foliaceum |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1997 |
KAC 79 |
Glenodinium foliaceum |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2008 |
KAC 80 |
Glenodinium foliaceum |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2008 |
KAC 81 |
Glenodinium foliaceum |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2008 |
KAC 25 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Skagerack |
1991 |
KAC 26 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 27 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 48 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 49 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Kattegatt |
1986 |
KAC 55 |
Heterocapsa triquetra |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 18 |
Prorocentrum micans |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 38 |
Prorocentrum micans |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 40 |
Prorocentrum micans |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 51 |
Prorocentrum micans |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
2000 |
KAC 52 |
Prorocentrum minimum |
Lisbon, Portugal |
KAC 73 |
Prorocentrum minimum |
Askö, Baltic Sea |
2002 |
KAC 72 |
Prorocentrum minimum (cf baltica) |
Kalmarsund, Baltic Sea |
1999 |
Cryptophyceae |
KAC 30 |
Rhodomonas salina |
Öresund, Denmark. |
Bacillariophyceae |
KAC 45 |
Chaetoceros sp. |
Kattegatt |
1993 |
KAC 46 |
Chaetoceros sp. |
Adriatic sea, Fano, Italy |
1994 |
KAC 56 |
Ditylum brightwellii |
Kattegatt |
2009 |
KAC 37 |
Phaeodactylum tricornutum |
Kattegatt |
1985 |
KAC 44 |
Skeletonema costatum |
Kattegatt |
1989 |
KAC 23 |
Thalassiosira "subtilis type" |
Arade estuary, Portugal |
KAC 24 |
Thalassiosira weissflogii |
Öresund, Denmark |
Prymnesiophyceae |
KAC 22 |
Imantonia cf rotundata |
Skagerrak |
1990 |
KAC 39 |
Prymnesium parvum |
Norway |
*With reservation for recent changes, updated September 2013
Plankton Seminars
Time: 09.00-10.00
Room: To be announced
October 12 - Eva Sörenson – Initial experiments, Samuel – how to make a poster (short intro)
October 26 - MSc Aquatic Ecology (yr 2) Kimbery, Varvara, Daniela, Shenhong – Posters
November 16 – Lina, outline thesis + posters if 26 Oct is not enough
November 24 – Symposium – climate change and phytoplankton
November 25- Thesis defense – Mireia Bertos
December 7 – Workshop (experimental design, scientific writing or something else – Samuel, Elin, Cath)
December 14 –Carina (LMO trancriptomics)
January 11 - MSc Aquatic Ecology (yr 1) – Presentation of virtual projects
January 25– Emil Fridolfsson. Cyzo follow-up or seasonality (Kårehamn vs. west coast