Mechanical Engineering

The research in the field of mechanical engineering is broad and has its main focus in six areas: structural dynamics, material science, industrial economics, terotechnology, material mechanics, and product development and design.

Our research

Mechanical engineering is a collective concept for the art of constructing, manufacturing, utilising and maintaining the quality of mechanical equipment for specific purposes. Our research within this field at the department of mechanical engineering has the same breadth as the subject itself. We focus on six areas: structural dynamics, material science, industrial economics, terotechnology, material mechanics, and product development and design.

Structural dynamics

What happens to a structure when exposed to a load that changes over time? Within this research domain, we study the dynamic behaviours of structures in terms of performance, comfort, lifespan, noise and vibration, and how to prevent or gain control over these processes in various ways.

Material science

In material science, we study the microstructure of cast material and any impact of possible defects on the mechanical properties.

Industrial economics

In the domain of industrial economics, we study e.g. the industry working with small and multi-storey wooden buildings. Our research focuses on market studies, product and production development, production streamlining, and development of business models and strategies, both nationally and internationally.

The research is conducted in close cooperation with the department of forestry and wood technology at Linnaeus University. Among our external partners are, for example, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


The research in this domain is based on mapping, analysis, development and control of technical and economic efficiency of a production process, using more efficient maintenance, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), and cyber-physical technologies. The work results in decreasing lifetime costs, increasing product quality and increasing profitability and competitiveness for facilities/equipment.

Material mechanics

In material mechanics, we study how different materials deform in response to different forms of mechanical loading. For example, it includes studying the stress-strain relation of different materials, including such effects as rate-dependency and anisotropy. Furthermore, it incorporates studying the effective stiffness of composites, such as fiber-reinforced materials or porous materials. Material mechanics also includes fracture mechanics, which is the study of cracks and how these arise and grow in different materials.

Product development and design

We develop new theories in product development and product design, and study whether you can apply these theories in the manufacturing industry and in higher education.




Other research groups in mechanical engineering

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