St Sigfrid

Medeltidsforum Linné

Medeltidsforum Linné (Medieval Forum Linnaeus) is a network of researchers and students with a special interest in the Middle Ages in its broadest sense. MFL provides an interdisciplinary forum for a variety of disciplines including Art and Art History, History, the Nordic Languages, Literary and Comparative Literature Studies, and Musicology.

Image: Painting from Överselö Church in Södermanland (detail) featuring St Botvid and St Sigfrid. Photo: Lennart Karlsson, National Historical Museums (Sweden).

The research network, Medeltidsforum Linné (MFL), unites researchers and students at Linnaeus University with a special interest in the Middle Ages in its broadest sense, including medievalism and historiography.

The network organizes a regular seminar series, as well as excursions. Participants outside of Linnaeus University are also welcome to attend these activities!

The following disciplines are currently represented in Medeltidsforum Linné:

  • Art and Art History
  • History
  • Nordic Languages
  • Literary Studies
  • Musicology

Several of the network’s researchers are involved in the interdisciplinary research project The Multisensory World of Vadstena Abbey in the Late Middle Ages, as well as in Mapping Lived Religion: Medieval cults of saints in Sweden and Finland, both financed by the Swedish Research Council.

Contact us

If you are interested in attending or participating in our seminars or would like to be included on our mailing-list, please get in touch with one of the network’s official contacts listed under the heading Contact.


