IMS Green: Mediations of Climate and Ecological Emergency (MEDEM)
Mediations of Climate and Ecological Emergency (MEDEM) is a transdisciplinary platform for research, education and action related to the mediation of climate and ecological emergency. Critical theoretical, scientific, and not least artistic perspectives and methods meet in the cluster’s manifold activities. MEDEM is situated within the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal studies (IMS).
We live in a state of planetary climate and ecological emergency. Scientific research as well as global news reports and local and indigenous testimonies point towards an alarming increase in signs of current and future collapse.
But what exactly is meant by terms such as "climate," “ecology” and "emergency," and what happens when they are brought together in declarations of "climate and ecological emergency"? What does it mean for us to orient ourselves cognitively, ethically, culturally, and politically in the near-to unfathomable complexity of the climate, especially in a situation defined as an emergency? How can we create spaces for action in relation to temporalities and scales that are difficult to grasp?
It is our contention that an important underlying aspect of these questions is the necessity to frame climate and ecological emergency as a set of mediated phenomena; that is, phenomena that are, in many ways, rendered sensorial, intelligible and imaginable through complex processes of mediation operating intermedially in and between diverse media types.
Our research
The notion of climate and ecological emergency is situated at a complex nexus between
- a) demands for action from scientists, activists and others.
- b) more symbolic declarations by, for example, municipalities, governments, parts of the industrial sector or universities.
- c) its direct impact on the material, social and cultural spheres we collectively inhabit.
However, climate emergency, as declared in different contexts, tend to hold little legal or statutory weight, and whereas specific crises manifested as consequences of climate and ecological emergency (wildfires, droughts, floods, etc.) May indeed be treated as localized states of emergency, the overarching complex of systemic interdependencies and urgencies signalled by climate and ecological emergency is often obscured alongside issues to do with its unequal impacts and demands for climate justice. Thus, the radical character of and the transformative agencies called for by climate and ecological emergency risk being lost, resulting in a lack of collective agency and action.
Medem proposes that the gravity of this lack of agency urges forth a paradigm shift across ecological, socio-cultural, artistic, political, and scientific domains. Taking such paradigm shift as a point of departure, medem focuses on the interrelations between current expertise regarding the causes and impacts of the climate emergency, its mediation, and the construction of cross-sectorial, multifaceted spaces for action and agency. From this vantage point, it seeks to critically map out existing knowledges and articulations of the climate and ecological emergency exploring its current epistemological and political status, and furthermore, develop new transdisciplinary, transversal conceptual frameworks and collaborative, project-based models enabling climate emergency to be translated into climate agency.
This approach includes an operative notion of mediation. It is our contention that the climate and ecological emergency is, in part, media-borne; that is, the ways in which it is rendered sensorial, intelligible and imaginable is through complex processes of mediation operating intermedially in and between diverse media types. Our intentions and working processes thus derive from a wide range of disciplines and approaches, primarily within the arts and humanities, including intermedial studies and intermedial ecocriticism, art and design (including artistic research), and a wide array of critical theoretical frameworks while seeking to foster solid relationships to related approaches within the natural and social sciences.
Within MEDEM we are developing educational packages at master’s level dealing with climate and ecological emergency and its mediations. In the master’s course climate emergency studies, we take on issues of the emergency that we are in and create concrete as well as more speculative responses to the climate crisis. In the master’s course intermedial ecocriticism, mediations of the climate and ecological emergency are investigated in aesthetic as well as non-aesthetic media types.
Climate Emergency Studies: Introduction Course 15 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Climate Emergency Studies Course 30 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Climate Emergency Studies Course 30 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Modern natures and postcolonial ecologies Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Half-time
Modern natures and postcolonial ecologies Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Half-time
Intermedial ecocriticism Course 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Half-time
Intermedial ecocriticism Course 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Half-time
Intermedial ecocriticism Course 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Half-time
Global Peace, Justice and Well-being, Master Programme Programme 120 creditsCancelled
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Full-time
English Language and Literature, Master Programme Programme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Past Activities
Research Projects
Project: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene The dominant global diet is a major contributor to the climate crisis. A transformation faces considerable practical problems, but is also a major…
Project: Media as infrastructure? Investigating Nordic Ecomedia The impending environmental crisis entails a range of alarming prospects, including mass extinctions, catastrophic pollution, planetary…
Project: Instruments of Repair Our project is about artists who place musical instruments outdoors, burning them or letting them decay in ponds, playing already abandoned instruments, and/or making…
Project: Intermedial Ecocriticism: Transmediating the Anthropocene This project responds from a humanities perspective to an urgent societal challenge: how can the Anthropocene ecological crisis be…
Our Researchers
LNU researchers
- Jørgen Bruhn Professor
- jorgenbruhnlnuse
- Matilda Davidsson Doctoral student
- matildadavidssonlnuse
- Rebecca Duncan Associate Professor
- rebeccaduncanlnuse
- Erik Erlanson Associate senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 49
- erikerlansonlnuse
- Johan Höglund Professor
- +46 480-44 73 71
- +46 73-036 09 59
- johanhoglundlnuse
- Corina Löwe Associate Professor, pro dean
- +46 470-70 89 26
- corinalowelnuse
- Liviu Lutas Professor
- +46 470-76 78 59
- liviulutaslnuse
- Nafiseh Mousavi Senior lecturer
- nafisehmousavilnuse
- Åsa Nilsson Skåve Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 29
- asanilsson-skavelnuse
- Niklas Salmose Professor
- +46 470-70 82 82
- niklassalmoselnuse
- Pernilla Severson Associate Professor
- +46 480-49 70 58
- pernillaseversonlnuse
- Ola Ståhl Professor
- +46 470-70 80 66
- +46 72-538 31 77
- olastahllnuse
- Hans Sternudd Professor
- +46 470-76 78 17
- hanssternuddlnuse
Affiliated Researchers
- Anna-Sofia Rossholm: Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University,
- Eleni Timplexi: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Communication & Media Studies,
- Emma Tornborg: Malmö University,
- Péter Kristóf Makai: Game Studies at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland,
- Maxim Shadurski: The University of Siedlce, Poland,