Apparna SADIMA och mPATH

Researchers at Linnaeus University have developed health services that facilitate communication between healthcare providers and patients

Maternity Care App

Swedish-Arabic Dialogue-support in Maternity Care App)

SADIMA is an e-health service in the form of a mobile application that midwives can use when they want to communicate with Arabic-speaking pregnant women in maternity care. By using the app, the midwife receives support by communicating in Arabic and by showing films that inform about Swedish maternal health care in Arabic, what tests will be taken and help to prepare women for the birth.

The service is a result of an interdisciplinary research collaboration that has created real benefits. The research team consisted of researchers from linguistics, health and nursing science and the eHealth Institute who, together with midwives from Region Kalmar County , developed the app.

Appa, mPATH
mPATH/ePATH (mobile Patient Activation in Treatment at Home)

ePATH is an eHealth service that can be accessed both via web and mobile application. With ePATH, the researchers want to strengthen patients' involvement in care, give the patient an overview of relevant information and ensure that the patient can relay the information between different care providers. For the healthcare provider, the service gives them an opportunity to provide person-centered care and to follow the patient's development over time without the patient having to be called to a care visit.

ePATH has been developed in a major research project that strives to strengthen self-care in patients living with complex or long-term diseases. During the development of ePATH, the research team has, among other things, used methods from psychology and motivation theory. The project is a collaboration between Linnaeus University, Karolinska Institutet, patients and healthcare providers in Stockholm Counties and the south-east region in Sweden.