Research in Eyes, Vision and Optometry (REVO group)
REVO is a multidisciplinary research group investigating aspects of vision and eye care.
Our research
We have and inspiring and vibrant research environment encompassing eyes, vision and optometry – for our publication portfolio explore the individual research profiles of the members of our group. We are always interested in receiving graduate students who wish to continue their studies with us. We also prioritize interaction with the greater society and companies. Invitations from companies for collaboration in performing trials of their innovations, such as contact lenses, devices for the visually impaired, or eye drops for people with ocular surface disorders are welcome.
We strive to perform competitive research relating to eyes, vision and optometry. Throughout the years, we have developed expertise in fundamental and applied vision research. We work actively in visual performance, vision rehabilitation, perception, patient-reported outcome measures, visual optics, epidemiology, refractive error development, ocular surface and dry eye, binocular vision and ocular accommodation. Our contributions are reflected in our engagement in: education, research, cross-department and cross-faculty collaborations as well as business and society interactions.
Research Seminars Series, Fall 2019, Wednesdays 12–13, room Vi1106A_K
25 September 2019
Mattias J: Using images in theses without violating copyrights
2 October 2019
Antonio M: KE Sustainable health – where are we?
11 October 2019
Pedro Ramos: PhD 1 year seminar - KoB
16 October 2019
Jenny R: Dry eye
06 November 2019
Peter G: Updates from the American Academy of Optometry and World Council of Optometry meetings 2019
13 November 2019
Karthik B: CTD project results. Can you drive safely with visual field defect?
27 November 2019
Peter L: To be defined
4 December 2019
Oskar J: To be defined
11 December 2019
Ida N: Glaucoma progression beyond IOP
18 December 2019
Baskar T: Prevalence of visual stress among university population to the benefit of colored overlays
- António Filipe Teixeira Macedo Professor
- +46 480-44 60 36
- antoniomacedolnuse
- Carina Jonsson Assistant
- +46 480-44 63 23
- carinajonssonlnuse
- Ida Nilsson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 06
- idanilssonlnuse
- Jenny Roth Doctoral student/Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 89
- jennyrothlnuse
- Karin Lennartsson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 73 57
- karinlennartssonlnuse
- Karthikeyan Baskaran Associate professor
- +46 480-44 62 99
- +46 70-214 72 95
- karthikeyanbaskaranlnuse
- Oskar Johansson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 62
- +46 72-594 94 78
- oskarjohanssonlnuse
- Pelsin Demir Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 74
- +46 70-277 85 08
- pelsindemirlnuse