Research in Inclusion, Democracy and Equity (RIDE)
The research environment RIDE consists of researchers who conduct studies in the fields of special pedagogy and social pedagogy. The research focuses primarily on areas that concern inclusion, democracy and equity, in school as well as outside school. What characterises the research is that it is practice-oriented while also relating to a broader societal and social context, locally and nationally as well as internationally.
Central areas of research
The research within the environment has its main focus on issues concerning inclusion, democracy and equity in school as well as outside school. The research is anchored in special and social pedagogy and takes on many of the challenges our society is currently facing. Inclusion research includes both general research on social inclusion in various communities in society and research on inclusive teaching. The inclusion concept is based on the premise that context is adaptable based on individuals’ living conditions and other conditions, not the other way around. It also means that all individuals, regardless of their conditions, are welcomed to joint activities and operations.
We also study the democratic conditions for vulnerable and marginalised groups with the aim to promote their societal participation on different arenas and to promote a democratic citizenship. Research on equity strives to study whether individuals, for instance pupils in school, are given the proper conditions based on individual conditions and needs. A central part of the equity concept in school is that individuals who have less good background conditions are compensated to increase the equity.
The researchers within RIDE conduct research primarily within the following research areas:
1. Inclusion and exclusion processes in pedagogical activities
RIDE’s research on pedagogical activities studies inclusion and exclusion processes as well as related research on democracy and equity aspects. An example of such research is the project Inclusive Research focusing on Equity in Swedish Schools (IRISS) with focus on how different types of schools work in relation to inclusion and equity.
IRISS is an international collaboration that builds on and conducts more
in-depth studies of the results from the research project Inclusive Research in Irish Schools (IRIS). The project consists of two studies, one focusing on mainstream schools (IRESS/ms) and one focusing on schools specially designed for pupil groups with some sort of disability/special schools (IRESS/ss).
2. Reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia and mathematics difficulties
The research field reading, writing and mathematics difficulties has a long tradition of teaching and research at Linnaeus University. In connection to this, there are also studies of mental health and self-image. Basic research has been conducted with different prevalence studies.
What is more, a number of intervention studies have also been carried out/are being carried out with focus on measures concerning both proven methods and pioneering methods that have yet to be tested. Above all, this concerns the use of technology to practice and compensate for pupils’ difficulties, partly to explore whether the pupils can compensate for their reading and writing difficulties with the help of support from assisting technology, and partly how the pupils experience the technology when they use it to do homework and activities in their leisure time.
Studies are also conducted on the teachers’ perspective on using technology in their pedagogical work. What is more, studies are conducted within special school and at SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) with the aim to develop the ability to read, write and count.
3. Adolescents in vulnerable life situations
An ongoing longitudinal study of adolescents at Mariamottagningen (a network of addiction clinics) from 2016 to 2022, led by Mats Anderberg and Mikael Dahlberg. The aim is to study different development processes in adolescents with alcohol or drug addiction. Through the use of national registers, follow-ups are carried out of adolescents who have been in contact with outpatient clinics around the country, to find out how their alcohol and drug use, their social situation, mental health, and criminality has changed, and how different risk and protection factors affect the outcome for different groups. The project is conducted in collaboration with Mariamottagningen in ten different Swedish cities and with CERA (Centre for Education and Research on Addiction) at University of Gothenburg.
Within this research field, we also conduct studies on the theme the function of school. One example is School as a protection factor, a project in which work at upper secondary schools with pupils who use alcohol and drugs is studied. Goran Basic is project manager. Basic is also project manager for the other example on the same theme, with focus on School success for newly-arrived students. The aim of the study is to analyse how schools work with newly-arrived students and how the pupils covered by the school’s activities form their identity.
RIDE’s historical roots
The research environment has its historical roots in the collaboration that was established in the 90s between researchers in pedagogic counselling and treatment and researchers within the field of special pedagogy. It was in the meeting between school and treatment and through what united these two fields of research that a new research area was established. The significance of the pedagogical meeting was what united the researchers from the fields of school and pedagogic counselling and treatment; the conditions for learning were considered the same regardless of whether the focus was school or treatment.
Several pedagogy professors from Linnaeus University were part of this collaboration, which was primarily led by professor Håkan Jenner. Prominent research has been conducted within Läsutveckling Kronoberg (LUK) and Institutet för kunskaps- och metodutveckling inom ungdoms- och missbruksvård (IKM).
RIDE members
The members of RIDE have joined the research environment due to their interest in the situation of children, adolescents and adults who risk getting, or have, certain types of difficulties. This can be difficulties that show in non-organised as well as in organised contexts.
A majority of the members come from the Faculty of Social Sciences, and above all from the Department of Pedagogy and Learning, while some come from other faculties (the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences).
RIDE perspectives, theory and method
RIDE research is, to a great extent, practice-oriented and conducted based on a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective. Theory formation and perspectives bring up the different conditions of individuals based on a diversity perspective in relation to societal and institutional practices and requirements. A theoretical and methodological plurality characterises the research.
Research basis
RIDE has the main responsibility for the research basis for the Special Education Programme, the Special Teacher Programme, the Socialpedagogy Programme, and for various areas on the teacher programmes.
Ride seminar series spring 2024
Collaboration with society
The members of RIDE are involved in many collaboration and development projects with actors both within and outside academia. Collaboration and development are carried out through, for instance, contract education, school development measures, process support, and evaluation and research within the field of education. One mission that is conducted together with Centre for School Development at Linnaeus University and the Swedish National Agency for Education is targeted measures within the framework of the Swedish Government’s programme Samverkan för bästa skola [Collaboration for the best school].
Ongoing projects
Doctoral project: Response to Intervention – a special didactic model for preventing reading difficulties This thesis investigated how Response to Intervention (RtI) can function as a special didactic…
Doctoral project: Student health in Swedish high schools This dissertation project focuses on student health work in Swedish high schools. The perspectives of several actors are represented.
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Future students’ perspectives on higher education The aim of this research project is to identify and analyse descriptions by future higher education students’ concerning interests and…
Project: LegiLexi The overall aim of the project is to conduct research on the reading development of primary school students. LegiLexi provides a digital assessment tool with individual teaching…
Project: School as a protection factor The aim of this project is to identify and analyse achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use…
Project: School success for newly arrived students: possibilities, obstacles, identities and collaboration This project will fill knowledge gaps about the situations of newly arrived children and…
Project: Successful collaboration Previous collaboration research shows that problems and conflicts sometimes arise as a part of collaboration. This project analysed successful cooperation.
Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one…
- Anette Mathisson Lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 75
- annettemathissonlnuse
- Anna Lövström Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 58
- annalovstromlnuse
- Annika Andersson Associate professor
- +46 470-76 74 34
- Birgitta Lundbäck Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 67
- birgittalundbacklnuse
- Camilla Nilvius Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 79
- camillanilviuslnuse
- Christian Waldmann Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 43
- christianwaldmannlnuse
- Christina Linderos Lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 56
- +46 70-221 31 47
- christinalinderoslnuse
- Christina Sand Researcher
- christinasandlnuse
- Emma Rydell VFU coordinator
- +46 470-70 83 72
- +46 72-594 13 26
- emmarydelllnuse
- Goran Basic Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 59
- goranbasiclnuse
- Helén Egerhag Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 37
- helenegerhaglnuse
- Hennie Kesak Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 07
- henniekesaklnuse
- Idor Svensson Senior professor
- +46 470-70 86 85
- idorsvenssonlnuse
- Inger Axelsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 21
- +46 72-594 15 95
- ingeraxelssonlnuse
- Johan Malmqvist Professor
- +46 470-76 72 05
- johanmalmqvistlnuse
- John Rack Associate professor
- +46 470-70 87 14
- johnracklnuse
- Katarina Olausson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 84
- katarinaolaussonlnuse
- Kristina Hellberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 57
- +46 72-594 12 60
- kristinahellberglnuse
- Lars Fonseca Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 24
- larsfonsecalnuse
- Leif Nilsson Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 63
- +46 72-594 15 61
- leifnilssonlnuse
- Lena Karlsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 30
- lenakarlssonlnuse
- Linda Fälth Professor, assistant deputy vice-chancellor for the teacher educations
- +46 470-70 89 77
- +46 72-594 16 20
- lindafalthlnuse
- Malin Gardesten Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 82
- malingardestenlnuse
- Marina Wernholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 59
- +46 72-594 95 01
- marinawernholmlnuse
- Marita Pekkanen Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 29
- +46 72-594 12 05
- maritapekkanenlnuse
- Mats Anderberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 22
- matsanderberglnuse
- Mattias Davidsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 64
- mattiasdavidssonlnuse
- Mikael Dahlberg Senior lecturer
- mikaeldahlberglnuse
- Paula Wahlgren Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of Department
- +46 470-70 83 36
- +46 72-594 13 07
- paulawahlgrenlnuse
- Pernilla Söderberg Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 88
- +46 70-200 63 92
- pernillasoderbergjuhlanderlnuse
- Peter Karlsudd Professor
- +46 480-44 73 98
- +46 72-594 96 49
- peterkarlsuddlnuse
- Sofie Hammarqvist Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 05
- sofiehammarqvistlnuse
- Thomas Nordström Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 22
- thomasnordstromlnuse
- Tobias Björklund Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 60
- +46 70-191 23 75
- tobiasbjorklundlnuse