Research in Inclusion, Democracy and Equity (RIDE)

The research environment RIDE consists of researchers who conduct studies in the fields of special pedagogy and social pedagogy. The research focuses primarily on areas that concern inclusion, democracy and equity, in school as well as outside school. What characterises the research is that it is practice-oriented while also relating to a broader societal and social context, locally and nationally as well as internationally.

Central areas of research

The research within the environment has its main focus on issues concerning inclusion, democracy and equity in school as well as outside school. The research is anchored in special and social pedagogy and takes on many of the challenges our society is currently facing. Inclusion research includes both general research on social inclusion in various communities in society and research on inclusive teaching. The inclusion concept is based on the premise that context is adaptable based on individuals’ living conditions and other conditions, not the other way around. It also means that all individuals, regardless of their conditions, are welcomed to joint activities and operations.

We also study the democratic conditions for vulnerable and marginalised groups with the aim to promote their societal participation on different arenas and to promote a democratic citizenship. Research on equity strives to study whether individuals, for instance pupils in school, are given the proper conditions based on individual conditions and needs. A central part of the equity concept in school is that individuals who have less good background conditions are compensated to increase the equity.

The researchers within RIDE conduct research primarily within the following research areas:

RIDE’s historical roots

The research environment has its historical roots in the collaboration that was established in the 90s between researchers in pedagogic counselling and treatment and researchers within the field of special pedagogy. It was in the meeting between school and treatment and through what united these two fields of research that a new research area was established. The significance of the pedagogical meeting was what united the researchers from the fields of school and pedagogic counselling and treatment; the conditions for learning were considered the same regardless of whether the focus was school or treatment.

Several pedagogy professors from Linnaeus University were part of this collaboration, which was primarily led by professor Håkan Jenner. Prominent research has been conducted within Läsutveckling Kronoberg (LUK) and Institutet för kunskaps- och metodutveckling inom ungdoms- och missbruksvård (IKM).

RIDE members

The members of RIDE have joined the research environment due to their interest in the situation of children, adolescents and adults who risk getting, or have, certain types of difficulties. This can be difficulties that show in non-organised as well as in organised contexts.

A majority of the members come from the Faculty of Social Sciences, and above all from the Department of Pedagogy and Learning, while some come from other faculties (the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences).

RIDE perspectives, theory and method

RIDE research is, to a great extent, practice-oriented and conducted based on a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective. Theory formation and perspectives bring up the different conditions of individuals based on a diversity perspective in relation to societal and institutional practices and requirements. A theoretical and methodological plurality characterises the research.

Research basis

RIDE has the main responsibility for the research basis for the Special Education Programme, the Special Teacher Programme, the Socialpedagogy Programme, and for various areas on the teacher programmes.


Ride seminar series spring 2024

Collaboration with society

The members of RIDE are involved in many collaboration and development projects with actors both within and outside academia. Collaboration and development are carried out through, for instance, contract education, school development measures, process support, and evaluation and research within the field of education. One mission that is conducted together with Centre for School Development at Linnaeus University and the Swedish National Agency for Education is targeted measures within the framework of the Swedish Government’s programme Samverkan för bästa skola [Collaboration for the best school].


Ongoing projects
