Research on pedagogical professions and practices (PEPP)
The environment conducts research on teachers’ work and children’s/pupils’ everyday life and learning at preschool, preschool class, extended school teaching, and school. The research is practice-oriented and is often conducted in close collaboration with active professionals in pedagogical practice. There is also a close link between the environment and the teacher education programmes at the higher education institution.
Our research
In the environment Research on pedagogical professions and practices (PEPP), we want to stimulate research with focus on pedagogical professionalism and pedagogical practices. The research projects are aimed at the different institutions within the education sector – primarily preschool, extended school teaching, preschool class, and school, but also professional education and training with particular focus on teacher education.
We want to encourage practice-oriented studies where problem definitions are based on actual problems, conditions and challenges in the daily practice of a profession, as well as studies on children’s and pupils’ participation in the practice of pedagogy. Our research is conducted with close connections to pedagogical practices and has clear links to teacher education.
Leading Nordic research environment
PEPP has the ambition to constitute a base for national and international research collaboration and to develop into a leading Nordic research environment in the field. The environment also has a pragmatic ambition to utilise research through near-field analyses where concepts, models or theories are developed that can be used by active teachers to communicate challenges in their own professional practice. In this way, PEPP wants to contribute to the development of professionals’ vocational expertise as well as to the pedagogical activities.
The area of research covers questions relating to several categories of professions, forms of school, and activities. However, PEPP has a special interest partly in teachers and their work and partly in children during early years education and their experiences of pedagogical practice. The environment is connected to international research fields like, for instance, Teachers’ work, knowledge and professional development, and Early childhood education.
Ongoing projects
Project: Cooperation for competence provision The project intends to study and develop how vocational training courses with local anchoring can be designed to generate academic training for students…
Project: Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects This project aims to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about how teachers’ lesson design and pupils’ use of…
Project: Sexual harassment from patients and care recipients How the students who train as assistant nurses, and mainly will work in home care and elderly care, in their educations are prepared for…
Project: The school's indispensable but invisible workforce – a study of education support personnel This project contains studies of the work carried out by so-called support personnel in the school,…
Concluded projects
Project: #Silenceintheclassroom – young peoples’ talk about sexual harassment The purpose of this project is to contribute knowledge about how boys and girls of different ages perceive and talk about…
Project: Alleviation or obstruction? Teachers, teaching assistants and negotiations on professional domains In this project, we will study the initiatives taken in Swedish schools to relieve the…
Project: Crossroads – two longidudinal studies of choices and values in teachers' work trajectories How do teachers retain their commitment and ideals in the profession over time? What crossroads are…
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Project: Let the right one out! - teacher training and induction as gatekeepers to the teaching profession Project Members: Per Lindqvist, Per Gerrevall, Ulla-Karin Nordänger, Joakim Krantz, Henrik…
Project: Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders This multidisciplinary research project aims to promote children’s inclusion in educational…
Project: School staff's experiences of working with school loneliness and involuntary social isolation The aim of this project was to explore and deepen knowledge about school staff's experiences of…
Project: The countryside school and its learning context The project aimed to understand and develop how the countryside as a geographic place offers possibilities for school work and its learning.…
Project: Using research and experience-based evidence In this project, teachers at two preschools systematically examined their own practice, with a focus on documentation and evaluation, in order to…
Project: Visibility of teachers' classroom assessments The project aimed to make primary school teachers' assessment processes visible together with students in teaching contexts.
There are five sub-groups to the research environment PEPP. The following sub-groups have pages in English, presenting their research:
PEPP's staff
- Anna-Carin Bredmar Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 34
- anna-carinbredmarlnuse
- Anneli Marceteau Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 61 38
- annelimarceteaulnuse
- Ann-Katrin Perselli Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 26
- annkatrinpersellilnuse
- Åsa Morin Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 84 03
- asamorinlnuse
- Camilla Forsberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 70
- camillaforsberglnuse
- Daniel Alvunger Professor, dean
- +46 480-44 67 61
- +46 70-369 67 61
- danielalvungerlnuse
- Dragana Grbavac Lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 03
- draganagrbavaclnuse
- Elisabeth Frank Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 85
- elisabethfranklnuse
- Eva Klope Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 51
- evaklopelnuse
- Gunilla Rosendahl Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 93
- gunillarosendahllnuse
- Helena Ackesjö Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 64
- helenaackesjolnuse
- Henrik Hegender Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 59
- henrikhegenderlnuse
- Jan Berggren Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 96
- janberggrenlnuse
- Janina Carlén Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 61 37
- janinacarlenlnuse
- Jenny Westerlund Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 73
- jennywesterlundlnuse
- Jens Gardesten Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 02
- jensgardestenlnuse
- Joakim Krantz Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 54
- joakimkrantzlnuse
- Joakim Strindberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 95
- joakimstrindberglnuse
- Josephine Sandberg Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 83 15
- josephinesandberglnuse
- Karin Larsson Doctoral Student
- +46 480-44 60 69
- karinlarssonlnuse
- Katarina Herrlin Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 56
- katarinaherrlinlnuse
- Kerstin Hansson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 67
- kerstinhanssonlnuse
- Kristina Henriksson Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 13
- kristinahenrikssonlnuse
- Kristina Holmberg Associate professor
- +46 470-70 89 86
- kristinaholmberglnuse
- Lars Fonseca Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 24
- larsfonsecalnuse
- Linda Reneland-Forsman Associate professor, Section manager
- +46 480-44 63 05
- +46 70-352 32 02
- lindarenelandlnuse
- Lise-Lotte Bjervås Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 75
- +46 72-594 95 09
- lottabjervaslnuse
- Liselotte Eek-Karlsson Senior Lecturer
- liselotteeeklnuse
- Malin Borg Lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 47
- malinborglnuse
- Maria Hedlin Professor
- +46 480-44 64 40
- +46 72-594 95 20
- mariahedlinlnuse
- Maria Magnusson Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 18
- +46 72-594 94 04
- mariamagnussonlnuse
- Marianne Dahl Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 81
- mariannedahllnuse
- Marie Jedemark Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 29
- mariejedemarklnuse
- Marina Wernholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 59
- +46 72-594 95 01
- marinawernholmlnuse
- Mattias Lundin Associate Professor, vice dean
- +46 480-44 69 28
- mattiaslundinlnuse
- Mergim Krasniqi Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 36
- mergimkrasniqilnuse
- Mirja Betzholtz Employee paid by the hour
- mirjabetzholtzlnuse
- Mirjana Samardzic Jelcic Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 48
- mirjanajelciclnuse
- Per Lindqvist Professor
- +46 480-44 63 66
- +46 72-572 81 11
- perlindqvistlnuse
- Ragnar Olsson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 84
- ragnarolssonlnuse
- Stefan Sellbjer Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 66
- +46 72-594 15 63
- stefansellbjerlnuse
- Viktoria Grahn Johansson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 71
- viktoriajohanssonlnuse
Education and mission
PEPP representatives take part in teaching in as well as development of courses within teacher education. Two examples are the development of student placement training (VFU) and how to think concerning scientific basis and professional relevance in degree projects.
Representatives of PEPP have produced a framework for all syllabi concerning VFU on the primary and preschool teacher programmes and also actively participated in all stages of the implementation work, as well as developed the new supervisor training for the teacher education. In addition, we take special responsibilities in specific fields, such as the pre-school educational area, the recreational education area, vocational teacher training, and the digitization of schools and preschools.
In 2015, PEPP members were highly involved in the Swedish Higher Education Authority’s (UKÄ) evaluations of the VFU courses, as well as in the work to adapt goals, criteria, assessment basis and guides within VFU to the implementation of a three-point grading scale. In 2018, members from PEPP were central actors in UKÄ's evaluation of the pre-school teacher and primary teacher training courses.
PEPP was also involved as part of the scientific management in a pilot project on practice schools – a commission from the Ministry of Education and Research that was financed by the Swedish Government and ran between 2015 and 2019.
Also on commission from the Ministry of Education and Research, PEPP has conducted trial activities with suitability assessments of applicants to the teacher education. The project was financed by the Swedish Government and ran between 2014 and 2017.
Networks and collaboration
Staff within PEPP collaborate with different networks, nationally as well as internationally.
- The international research network Transitions within EECERA
- ETEN, the European network för teacher education
- Literacy Research Network – a Nordic network for literacy research within NERA
- Leisure-time Pedagogy, a Nordic network for recreational education research within NERA
- NordYrk, a Nordic network for vocational training
- Forum for pedagogy and vocational skills
- Nordic Early Literacy Education
- Nätverket Utvecklingspedagogik, förskoleforskning och praktikutveckling
- Nationellt nätverk för fritidspedagogik
- Local collaboration with responsible organizations in the region within the ULF deal