Studies in Curriculum, Teaching and Evaluation (SITE)
The Linnaeus-SITE research group incorporates longstanding and inter-related strands of inquiry within the field Pedagogy and Educational Science.
Our research
The theoretical base of the programme is rooted in social theory, oriented towards meaning and communication, including both its foundational epistemic assumptions and empirical implications. What counts as knowledge in school? How is knowledge, values, literacy competencies etc. communicated and how are they related to meaning-making practices? What assumption about the school's democratic mission constitutes the basis for the curriculum and how does it shape the conception of the democratic citizen?
Research includes study of educational reforms in international contexts, for example curriculum discourse formation, the processes by which curriculum is developed, and how it is transformed in pedagogical practices within national education systems and traditions. In the forefront of the research interest are the questions of the school's democratic functioning in society and knowledge in pedagogical and curriculum making practices, i.e. how curriculum is linked to teaching and learning.
The LINNAEUS-SITE research group promotes and coordinates research and knowledge exchange activities in curriculum research and the enactment of curriculum in educational institutions for individuals across the life course: pre-school settings, schools, colleges and universities and lifelong learning. The members of the research group are involved in activities ranging from research exchange and development of theories and concepts in the international research community to involvement in professional development activities and work with professional practitioners at various levels of the educational system. Linnaeus-SITE promotes a critical engagement with practices in the related fields of curriculum and pedagogy as well as deliberation with educational policymakers and the educational public in general.
New Publication
A new anthology from SITE has been published on Routledge. The anthology presents results from a four-year research project, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
In the anthology, the theme of teaching and viesw of knowledge in high- and low-performing schools is problematized. The book has open access so it is open for download to your own computer.
Wahlström, Ninni (Ed.) 2022. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum. Routledge.
Current projects
Project: Exploring the elusive teaching gap – equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes This project examines the factors that affect knowledge segregation in school beyond the…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Project: A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas The overall aim of this project is to, in cooperation with municipalities in rural areas, investigate the conditions for rural…
Project: Pluralism about Evidence in education research (PEER) The primary aim of this project is to convene a series of research workshops that will bring together international scholars in the…
Doctoral project: Antiracism or Racism? – An interplay between ideas: a Swedish school example Focusing on structural racism, this project examines the interplay and tensions between ideas about…
Seed project: Sustainability education in preschool with meals and food as a starting point This seed project, in collaboration with preschool teachers, aims to deepen the understanding and practice…
Project: Understanding Curiculum Reforms Project Members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding Organizations: Vetenskapsrådet Timeframe: 2015 - 2018 Faculty/Department: Faculty of Social…
Past projects
Project: Using research and experience-based evidence In this project, teachers at two preschools systematically examined their own practice, with a focus on documentation and evaluation, in order to…
Project: Reviews of educational research: epistemological, social and political effects This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg (Lnu), Ingemar Bohlin,…
Project: Theory-based evaluation of the national curriculum Lgr 11 This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding organizations: IFAU…
Project: Learning Schools - Systematic School Improvement This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson, Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Anna…
Project: Research and School development This project was finished in 2013. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson Funding organizations: Skolverket and…
Project: ERECKS - Educational Knowledge and Educational reforms in Europe This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project manager: Daniel Sundberg Project members: Daniel Sundberg,…
Project: Who has governed the Swedish school? Municipality, school and state during 60 years of Swedish school reforms in a world of change This project was finished in 2017. Project information…
Project: Just assessment in school – pupils' conceptions in Sweden and Germany This project was finished in 2016. Project information Project members: Bettina Vogt Timeframe: 2011-2016…
Project: Local authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms? This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Ninni Wahlström, Daniel Sundberg Funding…
Guest researchers
Gästprofessor SITE, 2022-2023
Berit Karseth
Gästprofessor SITE, 2022
Stefan Hopmann
Guest professor SITE: 2016
Professor Tomas Englund, Örebro University
Guest professor SITE: 2011-2014
Professor Ulf P Lundgren, Uppsala University
Wahlström is associate editor of the leading research journal in curriculum studies, Journal of Curriculum Studies, with Professor Stefan Hopmann, University of Vienna, as editor.
A long-term collaboration has been developed between the SITE research group and its counterpart at the University of Stirling and the Curriculum and Pedagogy Research Programme led by Professor Mark Priestley.
SITE has an ongoing collaboration with Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Comparative Policy Studies in Education, and Professor David Hansen, The Program of Philosophy and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.
SITE is involved in networks of experts in comparisons of curriculum reforms, elaborated on in the ERECKS network (e.g., two doctoral projects together with Professors Jürgen Schriewer and Florian Waldow, the Comparative Education Center, Humboldt University, Berlin).
The SITE research group cooperates with Oslo University (Associate Professor Kirsten Sivesind and Professor Berit Karseth), STEP research group at Uppsala University (Professor Eva Forsberg) and Åbo akademi (professor Michael Uljens).
European Conference of Education (ECER)
SITE researcher keynote speaker at European Conference of Education (ECER), Geneva, September 7-10, 2021.
Ninni Wahlström, professor of education and one of the research leaders in SITE, was a keynote speaker at the 2021 ECER Conference. In her presentation titled School and democratic hope: the school as a space for civic literacy, Wahlström argued for the school as a place to uphold democratic principles and a democratic way of living together. In line with this argument, the concept of civic literacy is proposed as a guiding principle for both the content and practice of teaching.
Link to the keynote presentation:
Teachers Matter 2021
The conference Teachers matter – but how? took place at Linnaeus University in October, 13-15, 2021. The theme of the conference is new ways of exploring teaching and learning activities in diverse forms of teaching groups. The key interest is how to gain new knowledge about the teaching conditions in preschool, school, and university, promoting quality in the teaching process: With what fundamental concepts and from what perspectives can we increase our knowledge? The overriding theme is how we can understand the core questions of pedagogy and Didaktik today. What are the prospects of going beyond the gap between the German-language concept of ‘Didaktik’ and the English-language term ‘pedagogy’ or the divergence between curriculum and pedagogy? What do pedagogy and Didaktik have to offer in relation to teaching understood as moral sensibility – in accordance with a philosophical suggestion of the meaning of teaching? And where is the research front in classroom research today?
The conference’s five international keynote speakers represent the research front line in teaching and learning in preschool and school.
- Anna Sfard, a well-known researcher in mathematics education from Israel, talks about the importance of communication for teaching and learning.
- Barbara Comber, an internationally established reading researcher from Australia, emphasizes the importance of incorporating children’s and pupils’ perspectives into teaching.
- American classroom researcher Katherine Schultz examines children’s and pupils’ different ways of actively participating in teaching – also through their silence.
- Classroom researcher Kirsti Klette from Norway shows how the digitalisation of research can lead to a common language for teachers in different countries.
- Last in the line of keynote speakers, curriculum researcher Stefan Hopmann from Austria discusses how the concepts of didactics and democracy are connected.
Teachers Matter 2017
Filmed lectures and dialogues
Here you will find links to filmed lectures and dialogues from the conference Teachers Matter - But Where, When and Why?
May 17, 2017
Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Professor Susan Robertson
Professor Geert Kelchtermans
Gabriele Kaiser, University of Hamburg
May 18, 2017
Professor Kathryn Anderson-Levitt
Barbara Schulte, Lund University
Power Point presentations
- Comparing Ethnographies of Teachers’ Work
- Why and how national policy actors buy (into) global teacher policies
- Comparative Perspectives on Teacher Education
- Envisioned, enacted & stated practices
- Teacher development matters: stories, practices and theory
- Teachers, and Teacher Education, Matters! But to Whom, How and Why?