school girls looking at a tablet

The Digi Group

We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s and pupils’ digital competence. Our research is carried out in close collaboration with practising teachers. Furthermore, the research group has close ties to the university’s teacher training programmes.

Our research

The transdisciplinary research group the Digi Group is moulded around the theoretical concept of Design for Learning (DfL). In DfL, teaching and learning is to be seen as a form of multimodal design: the teacher stages, or designs, learning activities, thus giving the pupils access to different resources that enable meaning making; and the pupils in turn re-design their learning relative to their own circumstances, and based on their previous knowledge, interests, etc.

As part of the DfL framework, a model – Learning Design Sequence (LDS) – has been developed. The model can be used by teachers to plan and evaluate their teaching, and by researchers to use as an analytical tool in research studies.




The DigGroup features researchers from the following other research groups: