Wood Building Technology
The main direction of our research environment is wood building technology and applied mechanics. The research is to a large extent applied and is practised in close collaboration with industry.
Our research
The research of the Wood Building Technology research environment at the Department of Building Technology is about developing the use of wood and wood based materials in modern building. We work in a number of laboratively aimed research projects. Comparative modelling using the finite element method extends over our research as an umbrella. We do research in close collaboration with trade and industry and have a modern, well-equipped laboratory offering great possibilities.
Wood is easy to use, renewable and recyclable. In constructions, if it is used correctly, it is stronger than steel. Wood is versatile, variable and with a look for all tastes. Wood has a comfortable surface. This is an explanation why the material wood has followed man through all times.
The goal of the wood building research at Linnaeus University is to develop wood and wood-based materials for use in modern construction. To achieve the best possible results, a combination of advanced calculation models and experiments is usually used. The research can be described in a number of different areas, from material to system level:
- Strength Grading of Timber
- Moisture and properties over time in wood
- Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)
- Connections in Timber Structures
- Composite elements and hybrid structures
- Wooden constructions
- Structural health monitoring
Buildings are complex systems, where many things work together and where solutions at the level of detail can have consequences for the entire building. One of the issues that is of great importance for timber houses is the overall stability. In building technology, we work to develop better calculation methods for stabilization of mainly tall timber houses.
The issues that today receive the most attention in research on apartment buildings in timber are related to the design of different types of wooden building systems. In this field, a number of research projects are underway where we study how to get better technical solutions, but also how to create better calculation models and how to monitor the properties of structures.
A crucial detail for coping with both stability, noise and resilience are the connections, i.e. the joints between walls and beams. Another project aims to develop important aspects of building systems of cross-laminated timber (CLT) to increase its competitiveness. A new type of product is glass-timber composite elements for load-bearing applications.
There are many research questions about the material wood. It can, for example, be about strength and stiffness, and then also about how to sort wood with "correct" properties. Other questions are about how fractures in the timber occur and how to make models of this process. Questions may also affect the dimensional stability of the material when exposed to moisture variations.
In our research, we have well-established collaboration with companies and municipalities in the region, as well as international collaboration with universities and research networks around the world. At the same time, we are constantly looking for new collaboration partners. Ideas for joint research projects can come either from external partners or from our researchers and can lead to joint research and development.
The organization that is closest to us is RISE and the parts that concern wood technology and glass research (RISE Glass, formerly Glafo). These parts of RISE have offices on campus in Växjö. The collaboration consists of both joint projects and shared staff.
Other organizations of great importance for our research are Växjö municipality's project Välle bridges, Centrum för byggande och boende med trä (CBBT; the center for construction and housing with wood) and Föreningen energieffektiva byggnader i sydost (GodaHus; the association for energy efficient buildings in the southeast).
If you want to know more about collaboration opportunities, you are welcome to contact us.
Some of our research projects are:
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: Detection and modelling of knots and fibre orientation in sawn timber based on scanning, modelling and machine learning This research project aims to detect internal properties of sawn timber…
Project: Improving the competitive advantage of CLT-based building systems through engineering design and reduced carbon footprint The objective of this project is to increase the competitiveness of…
Project: Long-term mechanical behavior of dowel connections in timber structures as the basis for an extended service life and reuse The project aims at gaining more knowledge on the long-term…
Project: Moisture and time dependent properties of South Swedish hardwood for load bearing structures This project aims at testing the long-term load bearing capacity and deformations of birch and…
Project: Possibilities and tools to enhance circularity in multi-storey wood-building construction Shifting to a more circular economy is a necessity for a resource-efficient and competitive economy,…
Seed project: Machine learning stabilized steady-state advective-diffusive heat transport This seed project aims to explore and use the strengths of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to solve the…
Concluded projects
Project: Attractive living environment in wooden residential buildings This project seeks to investigate the role of wood as related to positive effects on well-being and attractiveness in wooden…
Project: Compression perpendicular to the grain in cross-laminated engineered wood-based products The aim of this project was a better prediction and exploitation of the properties of wood in…
Project: CT scanning and the influence of knots in structural timber This project aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of wood material at a micro-scale level, using computer tomography.…
Project: Design of innovative modular-based multi-storey timber buildings Constructing multi-storey buildings with light-frame timber modules is an innovative construction method, but at the same time…
Project: ForestValue Hardwood joint - Innovative joints in hardwoods The overall project objective is to foster high-performance hardwood structures in the European building sector by developing…
Project: Housing and residential development for increased growth (Boost) The Boost project has its starting point in building and living with glass and wood construction. The aim is to develop and…
Project: Local fibre orientation in Norway spruce timber and its significance for the timber's properties This project aims at increased knowledge of fibre orientation in the close surroundings of…
Project: Strength grading of structural timber and glued laminated timber by laser scanning and three-dimensional structural modeling This project aims in particular at development of an accurate…
Project: Tall Timber Buildings – concept studies The aim of the project is to show ways to design a 20+ multi-storey building with a load-bearing system of timber, and to build knowledge of the issues…
- Ambrose Dodoo Professor
- +46 470-76 78 12
- +46 72-510 27 17
- ambrosedodoolnuse
- Anders Alrutz Research engineer
- +46 470-76 72 57
- +46 70-656 89 71
- andersalrutzlnuse
- Anders Olsson Professor
- +46 470-70 89 85
- +46 70-730 51 70
- andersolssonlnuse
- Birgit Östman Emeritus in building technology
- birgitostmanlnuse
- Björn Johannesson Professor
- +46 470-70 86 83
- +46 73-062 94 14
- bjornjohannessonlnuse
- Carl Larsson Doctoral student
- carllarssonlnuse
- Eva Binder Associate Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 42
- evabinderlnuse
- Jan Oscarsson
- janoscarssonlnuse
- Joan Gikonyo Research assistant
- +46 470-70 89 17
- joangikonyolnuse
- Marie Johansson Professor
- +46 470-70 82 99
- +46 73-040 54 32
- mariejohanssonlnuse
- Michael Dorn Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 81 56
- michaeldornlnuse
- Michael Schweigler Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 54
- michaelschweiglerlnuse
- Min Hu Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 67
- +46 72-246 45 03
- minhulnuse
- Osama Abdeljaber Associate senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 60
- osamaabdeljaberlnuse
- Rajan Maharjan
- rajanmaharjanlnuse
- Sigurdur Ormarsson Professor
- +46 470-70 86 77
- +46 72-217 05 23
- sigurdurormarssonlnuse
- Thomas K Bader Professor
- +46 470-76 75 79
- +46 72-522 59 78
- thomasbaderlnuse
- Winston Mmari Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 81 38
- winstonmmarilnuse