Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology

We work with all aspects of zoonotic infections, from collection of samples and screening programs to detailed genetic and molecular characterization. The aim is to provide a synthesis of veterinary medicine, human medicine and ecology and our team includes people from all disciplines. Our research has a broad base and investigates several zoonotic agents.

Our Research

The research group is a part of Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Micobial model Systems.

Bacteria, viruses and parasites have always been part of human life. The hopes once cherished, that we through antibiotics would win the battle against infectious diseases is not realistic anymore. Rather the contrary, the last centuries' enormous population expansion, utilization of new habitats and swift methods of travel have made us more exposed and more vulnerable to the emergence of novels pathogens. And at the same time, antibiotics and antivirals are becoming less effective because of the development of resistance.

In the intricate web of disease, pathogens and hosts, it is important to remember that most human infections are zoonoses. This means that they occur mainly in animals but have the capacity to cross species boundaries and infect humans. However, the education and research systems have traditionally been divided into veterinary and human medicine, with only little crossover between disciplines. Bridging this gap was the fundamental idea behind the founding of the Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology research group at Linnaeus University.

We work on the following research topics:



Doctoral theses

Group members


Our research relies on the financial support that we receive from funding agencies. Without this funding most of our studies would have been impossible to conduct and we would like to thank all financial sponsors for their contributions.