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Project: DigIT Hub Sweden

DigIT Hub Sweden is one of four digital innovation hubs in Sweden with focus on bringing businesses into the future through a one-stop-shop with a wide range of services, competences, and resources. An offer that now becomes reality as you get access to our support for the digital transition to Smart industry and smart societies.

Digitalisation has changed how we interact with customers, partners, and citizens.

Digital transitions are now needed for companies in the manufacturing industry to remain competitive and relevant in an increasingly connected world. For the public sector, it is a matter of meeting citizens’ changing expectations and to use new technology to create positive impact on society.

At DigIT Hub Sweden, we help organisations in southern Sweden reach their digitalisation goals, by providing a well-founded hub of tools, services, education opportunities, and partner networks. Regardless of whether you have only just started or are dealing with complex digitalisation challenges, DigIT Hub Sweden is here to help you along the way.

DigIT Hub Sweden has four focus areas:



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