
Project: Heritage Futures

Heritage Futures will employ innovative interdisciplinary arts and humanities based research methods to understand a range of practices which are undertaken across a number of fields of heritage practice.

We refer to these different fields of practice as heritage 'domains' to draw attention to the ways in which these fields tend to operate relatively autonomously.

About the project

Project Members: Cornelius Holtorf (Lnu), Sarah May and Anders Högberg (Lnu)
Participating Organizations: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, One Earth: New Horizons Message, Memory of Mankind and University College London
Funding Organizations: Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)
Timetable: 2015 - 2019
Subject: Archaeology


Cornelius Holtorf, "Heritage Futures: How the Future is Made Through Heritage", Linnaeus University, Sweden (Kalmar, 2 November 2016)