Project: Circular economy tools to support innovation in green and blue tourism SMEs (CIRTOINNO)

Strengthening international activeness and innovation capacity of the South Baltic blue and green economy to improve the transfer of innovation for the benefit of blue and green sector SMEs through joint cross-border actions.

About the project

Linnaeus University is project partner in a EU project that aims to increase the quality and degree of innovation of blue and green tourism companies in the South Baltic region. This aim will be reached by integrating selected elements of the circular economy (CE) concept into the services, products and business models of SMEs. By applying CE the environmental impact of products and services is minimized. This can be achieved for example by using a design and strategy that aims to gain maximum value from a product whilst in use, by regeneration of the product during its lifecycle or by recovering and reusing the materials at the end of the product lifetime.

During the project we will facilitate SMEs acting in the tourism sector in the South Baltic region to integrate CE into their business models. This can serve as a driver for; increased regional development of green products and services in tourism, increased resource efficiency, better waste management, and enhanced awareness on the relation between produced products and services and the natural environment. More sustainable lifecycle management for products and services can also increase the competitiveness of SMEs, bring them savings, improve their innovativeness as well as create new business opportunities. Expected results from the project is capacity building tools, such as a self-assessment tool, a model of a cross-border training programme based on business model canvas and design thinking, and advisory services.

Project facts

Project leader at Linnaeus University: Lina Lindell
Project members at Linnaeus University: Setayesh Sattari, Arash Kordestani
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014–2020
Time period: 20161101–20190531
Theme: marketing & environmental science

List of partners

Sweden: Linnaeus university; Energy agency of Southeast Sweden; The municipality of Karlskrona
Poland: Pomerania Development Agency (lead partner); Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences; Baltic Health Tourism Foundation
Lithuania: Klaipeda Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts; Public Institution Strategic Self-Management Institute
Denmark: Centre for Regional and Tourism Research

Project webpage


CIRcle TO INNOvate – circular solutions for tourism business



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