Elderly couple in their kitchen.

Doctoral project: Supporting patients and informal carers in their active participation in self-care at home

Society faces the challenge of meeting the needs of an aging population where the majority have at least one chronic illness that requires care. These people often have care from several different care providers, but perform most of the care themselves or together with informal carers as self-care at home The project aims to promote safe care at home through innovation and implementation of digital support tools.

Project information

Supporting patients and informal carers in their active participation in self-care at home
Doctoral student
Susanna Strandberg
Mirjam Ekstedt
Assistant supervisors
Cecilia Fagerström, Sofia Backåberg
Kampradstiftelsen & FORTE
20 jan 2020 – 31 dec 2024
Caring science (Department of Health and Caring Sciencies, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)

More about the project

Swedish healthcare has a long tradition of high-quality care for patients with acute conditions but is not as well equipped to meet the needs of the increasing number of elderly patients with several chronic conditions and care dependence. Optimizing health and quality of life for patients living with chronic conditions requires a radical reconsideration of ways to support patients in performing self-care. Digital solutions can complement traditional care and increase accessibility no matter where you live.

This project wants to try new ways to meet health problems and needs through personalized digital support for the elderly and their relatives. There is a growing interest and expectation among the elderly and their relatives to have access to information, health monitoring and to communicate digitally with healthcare professionals.

The overall goal of the project is to identify elderly patients' abilities to manage self-care at home when they live with several chronic conditions and to test and evaluate how a targeted intervention can improve self-care of chronic conditions among the elderly in primary care.

The project will use a participant-oriented approach with mixed methods and co-design to develop an intervention based on the patient's wishes and individual circumstances.

The project aims to increase knowledge about elderly patients' need for support at home in chronic conditions and provide them with adapted tools that facilitate involvement in health-promoting activities and to perform self-care safely at home.

The doctoral project is a subpart of the research project Best practice of integrated care, and in The ReAction group – Resilient healthcare and patient activation research group.