structure of the blood cells in the blood vessel

Doctoral project: Vascular stress in biomaterials treatment

We study how the innate immune system defense interacts with biomaterials, materials the human was not born with but been introduced as a treatment or replacement upon injury, disease or loss of the body’s own ability. Focus is on the endothelial cells respond in these situations. By increasing the understanding interactions between the innate immunity and biomaterials, we can aid in the design and treatment with biomaterials.

Project information

Project name
Vascular stress in biomaterials treatment
Doctoral student
Linnea Andersson
Per H Nilsson, Linnéuniversitetet
Associate Supervisor
Camilla Molin, Linnaeus University Huy Quang Quach, Oslo University Tom Eirik Möllnes, Oslo University
Deltagande organisationer
Linnaeus University
The Swedish Research Council, Linnaeus University
April 2020-april 2024
Immunology (Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Science)

More about the project

When human blood is circulating in the body’s own vessels, covered with cells, endothelial cells, is it in one meaning inactive and do not sense any danger. As soon as the blood get in contact with something foreign, it can be the needle used to take blood, tubing use during operations or hemodialysis or the inside of a vessel in a transplanted organ, a reaction, an inflammation starts as a reaction to the danger. The reaction is started by the body´s innate immune system and subsequently the coagulation, the bodies system to stop bleeding and create clots starts. The reactions plays a crucial role in many situations the human body are exposed to but are not sought after in contact with biomaterials. Biomaterials are a collective name for most products the healthcare implant in the human body to cure and relieve. In this project the aim is to study what it is that make the body not react to itself but so strongly to everything it perceives as foreign. If understanding for this process can be gained it can be used to develop new better biomaterials that the body do not perceives to the same degree as foreign.

The project is part of the research in the research group The Host Response to Biomaterials Laboratory and Linnaeus University Centre for Biomaterials Chemistry.