The IEC project was concluded in 2017.
Our work
Many of the companies in the Linnaeus region today suffer from a shortage of IT specialists, and are in need of research and development resources that can help them grow and develop further.
There are roughly 1 500 companies in the digital sector in our region. Together they employ more than 13 000 employees, with a combined turnover of nearly 40 billion SEK, according to 2015 survey.
The digital sector has a very high growth rate, and it could be even greater. What is needed is increased collaboration between researchers, students, businesses and public sector.
IEC makes a difference – by:
• Building collaboration between academia, industry and public sector
• Contributing to the anchoring of research and innovation in practical application
• Highlighting the digital sector
• Developing an industry cluster that is relevant to the business community, public sector and research
• Implementing activities to stimulate digital developments in the Linnaeus region
• Establishing an IT research institute tied to Linnaeus University, with content driven by business and public sector needs
Current projects
IEC organizes the annual Digital week with plenty of opportunities to develop and find new contacts.
IEC addresses current issues, arranges and organizes recurring events.
Join IEC
As a member of IEC you get access to a breadth of activities ranging from workshops and seminars to member pubs and research projects. Membership of IEC is currently free of charge.
Contact IEC.
Our founders and funders
IEC is a project co-funded by EU funds. The following organizations play significant roles in developing and supporting IEC in their roles as promoters, founders and initial funders:
• Linnaeus University
• Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket)
• Regional Council in Kalmar County (Regionförbundet i Kalmar län)
• Region Kronoberg
• Kalmar Municipality
• Växjö Municipality
• Kalmar Science Park
• Videum Science Park
• Almi Kronoberg
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