Project: Multi-Use Offshore Platform
This project examines the feasibility of developing a pilot-scale multi-use offshore platform (MUOP) at the wind farm nearshore Kårehamn in the Baltic Sea.
Project information
Project manager
Catherine Legrand
Additional project members
Elin Lindehoff, Per Servais, Marianna Strzelecka, Joacim Rosenlund, Pär Karlsson, Petter Tibblin
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; Halmstad University (Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Learning Research); RWE Wind Kårehamn; Baltic Offshore Kalmar AB; WSP Systems Sweden; RWE Renewables Sweden AB; Kalmarsundskommissionen; Region Kalmar; Länsstyrelsen Kalmar
Stiftelsen för kunskap- och kompetensutveckling
Ecology, aquatic ecology, microbiology, business administration, tourism science (Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)
More about the project
In 2050, blue economy derives value from the seas and coastal areas, preserving the health of marine ecosystems. Economic activities have diversified to have a lower impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystem while sustaining livelihood and jobs. This was partly achieved through combining renewable energy, sustainable aquaculture, ecotourism and science and innovation, blue finance and governance enabling the sustainable use of the Baltic ecosystem. One approach, a multi-use offshore platform, MUOP, was co-created in 2021-2024 by researchers at LNU and engineers at RWE Renewables Sweden, RWE Wind Kårehamn, Baltic Offshore Kalmar AB and WSP Systems AB.
In MUOP, we examine the feasibility of developing a pilot-scale MUOP at the wind farm nearshore Kårehamn in the Baltic Sea. The concept is 1) to add new aquaculture systems for blue mussels and seaweeds settlement at the wind turbine foundations, 2) to evaluate the potential for these blue crops to bind carbon and recover nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to contribute to low carbon emissions and mitigate eutrophication, 3) to explore the multi-user conflicts aspects with focus on tourism/leisure activities at the MUOP and how this contributes to social acceptability of offshore wind park and aquaculture activities, 4) to follow up on ecosystem health/restoration using AI driven environmental monitoring, 5) to model the potential for the development of a sustainable blue economy in relation to a healthy and recovered Baltic Sea.
The project is part of:
- Marine Phytoplankton Ecology and Applications
- Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMIS)
- Algoland
- Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Water.
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Joacim Rosenlund Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 13
- joacimrosenlundlnuse
- Marianna Strzelecka Associate professor
- +46 480-49 71 73
- mariannastrzeleckalnuse
- Pär Karlsson Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 24
- +46 70-777 17 88
- parkarlssonlnuse
- Per Servais Professor
- perservaislnuse
- Petter Tibblin associate professor
- +46 480-44 67 45
- +46 72-594 95 63
- pettertibblinlnuse