Project: Aligning Architectures for Digital Twin of the Organization (Aladino)
This project aims at establishing a set of sound engineering methodologies, methods and tools for modeling, evaluating, and evolving a digital twin of an organization.
Project information
Project manager
Mauro Caporuscio
Other project members
Diego Perez Palacin, Farid Edrisi, Jesper Andersson, Danny Weyns, Samuele Giussani
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Scania, Virtual Manufacturing
The Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen)
1 Nov 2020–30 Oct 2023
Computer and Information Science (Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Faculty of Technology)
More about the project
A digital twin is a computerised model that reproduces an object – a product, a process or an entire company – in its environment and that may be used for troubleshooting of existing objects as well as development of new objects.
A Digital Twin of the Organization (DTO) is an accurate virtual representation of the organization, including digital replicas of physical devices, processes, services, people and places. Indeed, a DTO allows for representing all the organization’s elements as virtual models, which can be continuously simulated and analyzed for assessing and optimizing the organization. To this extent, DTOs exploit the power of Cyber-Physical Systems and Data Driven Technologies to make the organization context-aware, self-aware, and adaptive; that is, a Smarter System.
Change and innovate
Employing a digital twin of an organization would help enterprises to change and innovate, thus enhancing their organization's sustainability. However, the lack of engineering best practices for developing and operating a digital twin of an organization makes it difficult for enterprises to fully benefit from it.
Many companies are currently investigating the potential use of it, but available solutions are often context-dependent or system-specific, and challenging to adapt, extend, and reuse. Therefore, digitalization is perceived as a slow, resource-demanding, and extremely expensive process whose outcome is uncertain.
To this extent, enterprises seek solutions allowing them to gently introduce a digital twin of the organization into their organization and to evolve it according to the changing needs and situations. The project Aligning Architectures for Digital Twin of the Organization (Aladino) aims at establishing a set of sound engineering methodologies, methods and tools for modeling, evaluating, and evolving a digital twin of the organization.
The Aladino project collaborates with DigIT Hub in order to reach industry and other organizations in the south of Sweden. DigIT Hub is financially backed by the European Regional Development Fund and Region Skåne, and led by regional innovation clusters Mobile Heights, Media Evolution and IUC Syd in collaboration with Lund University (LTH) and Malmö University.
The project is part of the research in the Engineering Resilient Systems (EReS) research group.
- Danny Weyns Professor
- +46 470-76 75 48
- dannyweynslnuse
- Diego Perez Palacin Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 90
- diegoperezlnuse
- Farid Edrisi Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 81 59
- faridedrisilnuse
- Jesper Andersson Professor, Dean
- +46 470-70 84 60
- jesperanderssonlnuse
- Mauro Caporuscio Professor
- +46 470-70 85 58
- maurocaporusciolnuse
- Samuele Giussani Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 89 19
- samuelegiussanilnuse