man holding his hands in front of his heart

Project: At the Heart of Men: Myocardial infarction, Masculinity, and Lifestyle

This project aims to analyse how plural and intersectional masculinities (age, class, ethnicity) covary with myocardial infarction (MI), and how the predicaments that this condition brings impact the lives, lifestyles, and intimacies of those affected.

Project information

Project manager
Jesper Andreasson
Other project members
Thomas Johansson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Carina Danemalm-Jägervall, Region Kronoberg, Sweden
Anna Strömberg, Linköping University, Sweden
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, University of Gothenburg, Region Kronoberg, and Linköping University, Sweden
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte)
1 Jan 2024–31 Dec 2027
Sport Science (Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Social Sciences)

More about the project

Research on patients’ experience of an MI is mainly found in medical and caring sciences literature. Combining social medicine with phenomenological and sociological studies, however, can generate important insights into how MI impacts patients’ general health and quality of life.

From an intersectional perspective, the project contributes insights into how men tackle heart conditions, and to engage with theoretically sophisticated studies on ageing men, masculinity, and illness.

Research problem and specific questions

This project aims to analyse how plural and intersectional masculinities (age, class, ethnicity) covary with myocardial infarction (MI), and how the predicaments that this condition brings impact the lives, lifestyles, and intimacies of those affected.

Specific research questions (RQs) are:

  • RQ1: In what ways do health care professionals (HCPs) discuss the treatment of MI, and treatment side effects, with patients?
  • RQ2: How do HCPs understand and address MI, in relation to their own and their patients´ understandings of masculinity, the body, lifestyle, and sexual health?
  • RQ3: How do men treated for MI describe and tackle their experiences of the disease and its impact on everyday life?
  • RQ4: In what ways do MI and its treatment affect the quality of life for men, in relation to masculinity, age, ethnicity, social class, well-being, social relations, sexuality and intimacy?
  • RQ5: In a group of patients who have experienced an MI, how do the patients talk about the disease and how it (if at all) interferes with their understanding of self and masculinity?
  • RQ6: How might gained insights into men’s experience of MI (from the perspectives of both HCP and patients) be implemented so as to improve care and rehabilitation?

Data and method

The project will utilize a qualitative approach to the research, consisting of four work packages (WPs) conducted over 3 years. We will conduct both individual interviews and focus group interviews.

Plan for project realization

  • In WP1 interviews with HCPs will be conducted.
  • WP2, the main part of the project, consists of repeated interviews with MI treated men of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who have been treated for MI.
  • WP3 consists of focus group interviews with men who have been treated for MI.
  • Finally, in WP4 we will synthesize all data gathered and conduct a cross-analysis, thus fulfilling the overarching aim of the project.

The project is part of the research in the research groups Health, Gender and Embodiment and Ethnographic Forum.