Project: Baltic Smart Asset Management (BSAM)
It is a big challenge to achieve the Europe 2020 goals for energy and environment. District heating systems are a tool to reduce fossil fuel dependency. The purpose of this project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge within Smart Asset Management, SAM, i.e. digitalization of district heating distribution networks.
Project information
Project manager
William Hogland
Other project members at Linnaeus University
Jelena Lundström
Participating organizations
- Linnaeus University, Sweden (lead partner)
- SweHeat & Cooling (the Swedish Council for District Heating), Sweden
- Öresundskraft, Sweden
- Opec Gdynia, Poland
- Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
- Lithuanian District Heating Association, Lithuania
- Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Associated partners
- Swedenergy, Sweden
- Energiforsk, Sweden
- Nybro Energi, Sweden
- The Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, Poland
- Roskilde University, Denmark
- ISM University, Lithuania
Interreg South Baltic (total budget EUR 1 302 500)
1 June 2019–5 May 2022
Environmental technology (Department of biology and environmental science, Faculty of health and life sciences)
More about the project
The Europe 2020 goals and beyond is to increase energy efficiency by 20 %, but also to decrease CO2 emissions. In addition, the EU, the world's largest importer of energy (400 billion EUR that amounts to approximately 53 % of the entire need), will in the upcoming years face vast reinvestment needs in for modernisation of existing infrastructures, such as district heating (DH) grids.
Many countries are too dependent on coal and Russian gas. The Nordic countries have shown that DH systems are a tool to reduce fossil fuel dependency, moving into circular economy. The main drawback of district heating is the capital need, inefficient operation (losses), expressed in economic terms – low return on capital and a massive replacement need.
In order to solve the challenge described above, to boost district heating efficiency and reduce capital need, one of the most needed processes will be smart asset management (SAM). SAM will create environmental benefits for the Baltic Sea region as well as more affordable heat for the end customers by using existing assets and resources longer and more efficiently (fuel and energy saving).
The purpose of the project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge for smart asset management. Methods developed for district heating can be spread to the utilities of drinking water and sewage pipes, gas, railways and to power distribution and bridges.
Specific objectives
- To identify barriers and success factors for the development and implementation of SAM, the digitalization of district heating distribution networks.
- To develop nationally adapted methods for condition monitoring of the district heating networks and of for learning.
- To fully utilize modern ICT tools for data driven predictive maintenance of district heating networks.
The project is part of the research in The Environmental Science and Engineering Group (ESEG) research group.
The project is financed by
- The DH comes to your home ( Kalmar Energy was interviewed by LNU, 2022)
- "Corrosion in technical treatment systems. Reason and measures", QTF Sweden AB
- Intelligent maintenance of pipelines: when will the day dawn in Lithuania without hydraulic tests? An article about the BSAM project published on 29 November, 2022 in Lithuanian media.
- Memory Slideshow from BSAM Project Partners workshop and study tour on 6-7 October 2022 in Poland
- „Klaipedos energija AB“ ( Klaipeda Energy )- virtual study tour
- Lithuanian District Heating systems in Utena and Kaunas: experience and challenges
- Congratulation to Magnus Ohlsson who received an Environmental Prize by the City of Helsingborg
- Sustainable Heating & Cooling by Sweden
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Helsingborg (video)
- The measures and technologies used to ensure the reliability and longevity of the pipelines in Lithuania (video)
- Online training course: “DH: toward efficient heat distribution networks” 25-26 March, 2021
- Interreg South Baltic programme's projects at Eco-Tech 2020 conference in Kalmar
- Öresundkraft's network maintenance attracts international audiences.
- A study visit to OPEC Gdynia ( online)
All events
Upcoming events
Meeting with district heating companies from northeastern Poland, 2 February 2022
Towards lower temperatures (4GDH), higher efficiency, lower tolerances of defects in operation, enabling capture of more surplus heat – transforming DH to fossil fuel free supply. By lower operating and capital expenditures, DH will become more competitive and sustain expansion into areas with low energy buildings. Cross sector coupling between DH and Power Generation. Efficient and optimized CHP and new power production from existing hot water boilers.
Programme and Zoom Meeting link
“DH: toward efficient heat distribution networks” 25-26 March, 2021
Klaipeda University invites to participate in the online training course “DH: toward efficient heat distribution networks” of international project BSAM – Baltic Smart Asset Management. General objects of the BSAM project are to provide the tools and knowledge to educate potential employees for decreasing the capital need and inefficient operation (losses) of District Heating Grids as seen by the low return on capital and a massive replacement need.
Training course agenda: BSAM training course programme.pdf
BSAM cross border-seminar 8 September 2020
Tuesday September 8, 2020 BSAM cross-border seminar ”Smart Asset Management of District Heating” was held digital with the focus on the reliability of district heating networks - methods and technologies to ensure short-term and long-term longevity.
8 September 2020, BSAM cross border seminar
BSAM cross border seminar 5 May 2020
5 May 2020, BSAM cross border seminar
BSAM distance meeting 16 April 2020
BSAM project partners from Lithuania, Poland and Sweden gathered in front of the screens to discuss how the Covid-19 situation is affecting the project.
- What options we have to work on the project's goals under new circumstances were discussed.
- The work plan changes were discussed, as well as project digitalization.
- In addition, the reduced traveling costs were also discussed and how that could be used from one activity to another.
16 Apr 2020, BSAM distance meeting
BSAM Cross-border seminar
5-6 Feb 2020, BSAM Cross-border seminar agenda
BSAM kick-off meeting
7-8 Nov 2019, BSAM kick-off
Project Outputs
Pilot cases
Two different pilot cases for Smart Data Driven Maintenance methods with emphasis on green proactive and preventive solutions.
Installation of SAB (Smart Active Box) in the distribution network will be performed. The purpose is to check the network's function and status is continuously checked in order to be able to continue to deliver uninterrupted and functional district heating at a competitive price for a long time to come.
In addition to good delivery quality, methods are also required to be able to reinvest in the right lines at the right time.
The installation of ultrasonic flowmeters on selected sections of the network will be a part of pilot case. The purpose of the investment is to increase the efficiency of heating network leak detection and optimization of network heat management.
A tool to be able to plan the implementation of data-driven proactive and preventive maintenance methods. The tool considers costs, procurement, environmental performance, social/health benefits and the network needed for installation.
BSAM Handbook
BSAM Data Driven Proactive Maintenance Handbook will describe the BSAM process and the pilot cases.The handbook will also act as a guiding document for new cross-border initiatives and cooperation between public stakeholder SME´s/companies and Universities/knowledge providers.
- Promising Nanoparticle-Based Heat Transfer Fluids—Environmental and Techno-Economic Analysis Compared to Conventional Fluids
- Is Innovation Redesigning District Heating? A Systematic Literature Review
- Smart Asset Management for District Heating Systems in the Baltic Sea Region
- SAB Smart Aktiv Box in Helsingborg
Thesis projects in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and system fluids
- Undersökning av luftfuktighetens förändring över tid och dess påverkande faktorer i fjärrvärmekulvert
- Effects of Heat Transfer Fluid from District Heating Networks on Activated Sludge
- Effekter av fjärrvärmevatten på aktivslam
- Vätskor i indirekt energiöverförande kylsystem och deras potentiella inverkan på miljön
Image gallery
Varvara Sachpazidou, laboratory engineer at Linnaeus University, carries out a visual inspection looking for particles, red rust, black rust, magnetite and/or environmentally hazardous substances. Lundström