Facts about the project
Project manager
Senadin Alisic
Other project members
Truong Nguyen, Diana Unander and Peter Jonsson (Linnaeus University)
Sigfrid Lindén Johansson, Åse Togerö, Karlsson and Emma Hulth (Skanska)
Petra Nilsson (Växjö Energi)
Karin Jarl Månsson and Johan Person (Siemens)
Anna Sigurdsson Schedin and Theis Meggerle (Combitech)
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Skanska, Växjö Energi, Siemens, Combitech
Swedish Energy Agency through the call: Contribute to the development of resource- and energy-efficient construction and housing
December 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023
Computer Science (Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Department of Technology and Construction Technology, Department of Building and Energy Technology, Faculty of Technology)
Prominent research environment
Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)
The project is linked to the larger project Crossways Växjö:
More about the project
The project investigates how an energy and power solution can be created at the neighborhood level with regard to electricity, heating and cooling.
The overall goal of the project is to investigate possibilities around:
- Minimization and optimization of the added power from electricity, district heating and district cooling
- Positive CO2 balance for the neighborhood's energy system
- High self-use where the neighborhood's energy production is used in the area
- Overproduction of renewable energy that generates more energy than the neighborhood consumes
- New values and business models for the various players in the energy system.
- Share end results to increase knowledge nationally
Desired results
We hope that the energy project can contribute to a completely renewable energy system by meeting problems that may arise when a large proportion of intermittent renewable energy is introduced into the energy system. At the same time, we want to investigate how buildings together can form part of the solution by controlling and equalizing power demand peaks, storing energy and distributing surpluses between different buildings.
What does the project contribute with?
The project contributes to a completely renewable energy system with the tough goal of making the neighborhood a "plus energy neighborhood", which means that the neighborhood produces more renewable primary energy than it uses. The project will also contribute valuable knowledge about energy communities at the neighborhood and district level, with regard to climate benefits, economic values and legal obstacles and opportunities.
The project is part of the research in the prominent research environment Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)