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Project: Construction systems for resource-efficient and low-carbon buildings in a lifecycle perspective

A key goal of this project was to generate new scientific knowledge on how the production phase could be optimized for different structural building systems.

This project was concluded in 2018.

Project information

Project manager
Leif Gustavsson
Participating organizations
Växjö municipality, Växjöbostäder, Växjö Energi AB (VEAB), Martinsons Byggsystem KB, Lindbäcks Bygg AB
Swedish Energy Agency
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology, Faculty of Technology

More about the project

The production and use of buildings account for a large share of both extracted materials and energy use within the European Union (EU). This project investigates strategies to minimise primary energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of new buildings, from system and lifecycle perspectives, with a focus on the production phase. It involves analysis and optimisation of primary energy use and GHG associated with the lifecycle of buildings, including the entire energy chains from the natural resource to the delivered services.

The project involves detailed analyses of modern concrete- and wood-based building systems heated with different energy technologies including low-temperature or conventional district heating, heat pump systems, with or without solar heating. A key goal is to generate new scientific knowledge on how the production phase, including the design of buildings, could be optimized for different structural building systems.

The project is conducted by the Sustainable Built Environment Research group (SBER) at Linnaeus University. It is running from 2016 to 2018 and is partly funded by the Swedish Energy Agency under the E2B2 research program. It involves cooperation with Växjö municipality, Växjöbostäder, Växjö Energi AB (VEAB), Martinsons Byggsystem KB and Lindbäcks Bygg AB.