test rig

Project: Creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels under different service class situations

The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels, and hence addressing the relevant questions needed to integrate them safely in building and furniture applications.

This project was concluded in 2019.

Project information

Project manager
Stergios Adamopoulos
Other project members
Sheikh Ali Ahmed
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University
Karl Erik Önnesjös stiftelse
15 June 2018–15 Sept 2019
Forestry and wood (Department of Forestry and Wood, Faculty of Technology)

More about the project

The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels (particleboard, fibreboards, OSB, plywood), and hence addressing the relevant questions needed to integrate them safely in building and furniture applications.

Selected commercial and laboratory made wood panels that use bio-based adhesives in their production will be tested under long-term (6 months) bending creep, using constant loading under varied climate conditions corresponding to different service class situations. It will be aimed to elucidate the sensitivity of the wood panel types to duration of load effects and the role of humidity, and to acquire reliable predictions of the creep stress levels of wood panels at various service conditions.
