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Project: Demonstrator Environment for Smart and Innovative Automation in Manufacturing (Smart-IAT)

The aim of the project is to develop and establish a demonstrator environment within advanced manufacturing technology, to support manufacturing companies' need of competences within product development, control and maintenance, and automation and robotics. The demonstrator environment will be setup at the Epic laboratory.

Project information

Project manager
Gunnar Bolmsjö
Other project members
Lars Håkansson, Andreas Linderholt and Per Lindström Lussi, Linnaeus University
Maja Karlberg, Epic
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, GoTech (Epic)
Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth), Region Kronoberg, Linnaeus University
1 Jan 2019–31 Dec 2021
Mechanical engineering (Department of mechanical engineering, Faculty of Technology)

Material about and from the SMART-IAT project

More about the project

The project aims at supporting manufacturing companies' need to strengthen competences and competitiveness. Specific goals for the project are to establish a demonstration environment on highest national as well as international level, as a meeting place to transfer of knowledge and making experiments. Sub targets are:

  1. development of a laboratory,
  2. competence center for corporations and transfer of results
  3. demonstrators as platforms for experiments, and (
  4. increased R&D, where the project works as a tool to start up new projects based on new challenges.

The activities within the projects are

  • external communication and dissemination,
  • procurement of equipment,
  • demonstrator sub projects as specific tasks, and
  • project management.

The industry in the region will participate in various ways within steering board, workshops, etc. Three demonstrators will be built and designed – one within automation and robotics, one within conditioning monitoring of machines, and one for prediction and verification of products and structures through structural dynamic models (FE analysis).

The project is part of the research in the Mechanical Engineering research group.


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