family cooking in a kitchen

Project: Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen

This project aims to design, develop and evaluate digital behavioral change tools. The goal is to help households change energy- and resource-intensive behaviors related to kitchen practices.

Project information

Project manager at Linnaeus University
Jorge Luis Zapico
Other project members
Björn Hedin (project manager), Elina Eriksson, Miriam Börjesson Rivera, Cecilia Katzeff, Jarmo Laaksolahti and Rob Comber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Participating organizations
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linnaeus University, Deedster, Consupedia
Sept 2019–Aug 2021
Computer science and media technology (Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Faculty of Technology)

More about the project

The kitchen is a central hub for household energy and resource use. Cooling, cooking and washing accounts for about 50 % of the use of household electricity. Furthermore, the production of food requires a considerable amount of energy, where calculations show that the third of all food that becomes food waste accounts for about 2 % of the energy consumption.

This project is lead by KTH MID and aims to design, develop and evaluate digital behavioral change tools to help households change energy- and resource-intensive behaviors related to kitchen practices. The project is based on two major systematic research reviews on digital behavioral interventions on food and energy that we are currently undertaking. It will mainly focus on the behavior change techniques "habit formation" and "goals and planning", which have the greatest potential. We will develop both physical Internet of Things tools and purely digital tools.