Project: Development of a new master programme in Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University
The project aims to further develop the Digital Humanities, Master Programme and establish new ways of collaborating with relevant private and public sector players.
This project is concluded.
Project information
Project manager
Koraljka Golub
Other project members
Hanna Carlsson, Fredrik Hanell, Andreas Kerren, Rafael Martins, Marcelo Milrad, Nuno Otero and Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay, Linnaeus University
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University with supporters from the private sector (ArkivDigital, Disir, Grow, Nordic Entertainment Group, OnSpotStory) and the public sector (the Swedish National Heritage Board, Kalmar museum, ASK (Använda och Sprida Kultur), Rise Interactive, Swedish National Data Service)
Supporting partners
Department of Library & Information Science and Data Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Uppsala University.
The Knowledge Foundation's Avans programme
15 May 2020–14 May 2022
Digital humanities; computer science, media technology (Department of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Faculty of technology)
More about the project
The objective of this project proposal is to develop and implement a new interdisciplinary master programme in the field of Digital Humanities (DH) at Linnaeus University. The programme aims at providing graduates with relevant knowledge and skills at the intersection of digital technologies with arts and humanities.
This emergent field is under continuous evolution and brings together scholars and practitioners in a range of related disciplines: all arts and humanities as well as media technology, computer science and informatics. These developments allow using digital methods and tools to address traditional and new research questions in the arts and humanities, as well as create innovative digital interfaces for end users of related public and private services.
The proposed program addresses the need for a new sort of professionals in current and future jobs across public and private sectors, including cultural heritage institutions, governmental institutions and companies providing related services. Furthermore, the new DH master is clearly linked to the university's research and education strategy: its cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration helps bring knowledge environments such as the Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications, with DH being one of seven major working groups, Linnaeus University's Information Institute (iInstitute), focusing on digital transformation at the intersection of people, information and technology, as well as the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations, in which the iInstitute is one of the nodes.
The business sector will profit from the programme in that both new students and working professionals will be able to acquire knowledge and skills in cultural/artistic/humanities fields as they intersect with the digital, such as new digital methods and implications of digital transformation. This will add to the development and expertise in both private and public sectors through knowledge co-creation on projects of all stakeholders in the program.
In comparison to other programmes with similar content at other universities in Sweden and Northern Europe, this is a rare example involving the private sector to this degree, with a broad spectrum of disciplines involved through its iInstitute that also closely collaborates with a range of international universities – thus, offering unique perspectives to its students as well as teachers from different sectors and countries who all learn from each other. The programme will be offered online and in English to both Swedish and international students.
The companies' and public sector partners' planned engagement in the implementation of the study program involves participation in regular workshops for discussions on the program and courses' content and quality, online meetings, guest lectures and joint mentoring of master projects on topics selected from the organizations involved, thus addressing their real needs. The project plan closely follows project objectives in the number of hours and other resources needed to address the aims and objectives.
The project also relates to the research in the Digital Humanities research group.
- Andreas Kerren Professor
- +46 470-76 75 02
- andreaskerrenlnuse
- Fredrik Hanell Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 470-70 85 89
- fredrikhanelllnuse
- Hanna Carlsson associate professor
- hannacarlssonlnuse
- Koraljka Golub Professor
- +46 470-70 89 09
- koraljkagolublnuse
- Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay Associate professor
- +46 470-70 89 10
- +46 72-594 15 88
- ludvigpapmehl-dufaylnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Rafael Messias Martins Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 08
- rafaelmartinslnuse