Hands holding a  terrestrial globe of glass above sunlit ground

Project: Ecological Making in Intercultural Collaboration (Emic-Steam)

In this project, teacher education universities in Germany, Austria, Portugal and Sweden cooperate with each other as well as with partner schools, in the form of innovative and creative maker spaces/maker boxes with focus on sustainable development.

Project information

Project manager at Linnaeus University
Kerstin Hansson
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Germany (coordinator); University of Graz, Austria; University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
European Commission via Erasmus+
Oct 2024–Sept 2027
Pedagogy (Department of Education and Teachers' Practice, Faculty of Social Sciences)

More about the project

Teacher education universities in Germany (Weingarten; coordinator), Austria (Graz), Portugal (Braga) and Sweden (Linnaeus University) cooperate with each other as well as with partner schools in the form of innovative and creative maker spaces/maker boxes with focus on sustainable development. The main subjects involved are biology, geography and arts, thus also aiming at encouraging girls’ interest in Stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).