5G network wireless systems and internet of things, Smart city and communication network with Modern city model on smartphone in hand, Connect global wireless devices.

Project: Edutain

The projects aim at incorporating emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) in schools to achieve sustainable learning experience. Also, this project will enable researchers from the countries involved (Sweden and Palestine) to collaborate in different aspects that will be related to AR in education in Palestine. Furthermore, through this project we have envisioned to generate a sustainable body of knowledge in order to address the challenges attributed to enhancing the educational system in the scope of Agenda 2030 for Sweden and Palestine as well.

Facts about the project

Full project title
Edutain - Augmented reality for a sustainable learning experience
Project manager

Fisnik Dalipi
Other project members
Sadaf Salavati, Arianit Kurti, Mexhid Ferati
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Arab American University of Palestine (AAUP)
STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education)
Feb 2022 - Feb 2023
Informatics (Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technology)
Research group
Interaction Design Research Group
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment
Digital Transformations

More about the project

As the Covid-19 epidemic caused new requirements in education, the use of various emerging technologies and materials has gained more importance for educational sustainability. These scenarios have on one hand accelerated the pace of digital transformation, but on the other hand also created new pedagogical challenges for the stakeholders in the education domain since public education systems were not able to deliver online digital education on equal terms.

In this direction, Palestine's educational system has also been impacted significantly. Consequently, the development of innovative educational tools compatible with social distancing is considered as a fundamental strategy since thousands of students were subjects of lockdowns.

With this project we intend to initiate a cross-institutional and multiple-stakeholder collaboration to identify needs, barriers and opportunities that can help increase the effective utilization of emerging technologies in the context of Palestinian high schools. We plan to achieve this by learning about pedagogical and interaction design challenges for creating engaging informal learning experiences, with a special focus on using AR (Augmented Reality) technology and explore how to create a sustainable learning experience.

The project is part of the research in the research group Interaction Design Research Group, in Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) and is part of the research in the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations