eHealth Arena

Project: eHealth Arena

eHealth Arena is a combined eHealth arena for industry, health and social care, academia and the public. The Arena is a long-term investment initiated by Kalmar County Council, which in the first three years is run as a project with Kalmar Science Park as project owner and Linnaeus University as cooperation partner. You can read more about current work within the project at Linnaeus University here.

The project was completed in November 2022.

eHealth Arena will from now continue in a long-term venture initiated by Region Kalmar County. More info at

Within Linnaeus University the project is based in the eHealth Institute, although the project group includes a multidisciplinary group from several faculties. The work mainly consists of obtaining an inventory of the needs of different target groups, providing education and participating in case studies where the aim is for any changes to result in a movement away from hospital and into the home, and/or prevention, that is to say, to prevent the need for doctor’s appointments, and/or exchange of data between units, principal agents, functions etc.

More about the project

eHealth Arena – a vital mission

The ambition is that the eHealth Arena will grow into a center of knowledge for the e-health industry, where participants meet to exchange expertise and ideas, and to develop services, methods and products. Together we create growth and contribute to e-health becoming a benefit for the general public as well as for users in health and social care.

eHealth Arena facts

eHealth Arena is a long-term venture initiated by Region Kalmar County. It is to be managed by Kalmar Science Park during the initial three years, with Linnaeus University as a collaboration partner.

During the first three years, a total of SEK 21.2 million will be invested, with Region Kalmar County covering 30 % of the costs. As a collaboration partner, Linnaeus University will invest 20 % and the remaining 50 % is financed by EU grants controlled by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

The vision is that Kalmar County will become a center for e-health development, both nationally and internationally.

The project is part of the research in the eHealth Institute research group.

Read more about the project at


Coordinator at Linnaeus University
Anna-Lena Nilsson, Project Manager, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University

Other project members
Evalill Nilsson, Operational Manager, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University
Md Shafiqur Rahman Jabin, Postdoc, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University
Patrick Bergman, Senior Lecturer, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University
Tora Hammar, Senior Lecturer, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University
Päivi Jokela, Associate professor, Faculty of Technology, Linnaeus University
Stefan Lagrosen, Professor, School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University
Dino Viscovi, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Linnaeus University 
Sandra Hedberg, Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Linnaeus University
Clara Axelsson, Project Manager, eHealth Institute, Linnaeus University
Suzanne Petersson, Licensed psychologist, Licensed psychotherapist. Phd, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Linnaeus University
Fia Mårdfeldt (Project Leader), Kalmar Science Park
Maria Eifrém, Kalmar Science Park

Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Region Kalmar County, and Kalmar Science Park, Sweden

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket; 50 %), Region Kalmar County (Region Kalmar län; 30 %), Linnaeus University (20 %)


Health science (Department of Medicine and Optometry, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)

