project overview

Project: From empowering to viable living (FRONT-VL)

To increase the aging population’s influence over their own situation and to help them to be able to stay at home longer, with the help of Internet of Things technology. That is the vision of FRONT-VL, a new European project with Linnaeus University as one of 21 partners and a total budget of EUR 7.2 million.

Project information

Project manager at Linnaeus University
Linda Askenäs
Other project members
Jan Aidemark, Jaime Campos, Niclas Eberhagen
Participating organizations
- Sweden: Telia Company, Linnaeus University, Free2Move AB, Sigma Technology Solutions AB, Region Jönköping, Yodiwo AB
- Austria: Austrian Institute of Technology, Medical University of Vienna, Fachhochschule St Pölten, LIFEtool
- Finland: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Rokua Group, Comptel Oy, Movesole Oy, Myontec Oy, Deltatron Oy
- Hungary: Multilogic, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Norway: Sintef, Tellu AS, Prediktor Medical AS
Swedish financier
Jan 2017-Dec 2019
Informatics (Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technology)

The project is part of the research performed in the Learn-IT to Heal-IT research group.

Read the news item about the project.

More about the project

Purpose and goal

The overarching vision of the project is to increase the growing aging population's influence over their own situation and to make them being able to stay longer in their own home. This comprises both technology for independent living and possibilities to handle chronic diseases through remote monitoring and self-care. The project is innovative in the way it uses current and new technology to establish smart communication solutions that enable predictive and preventive actions.

Expected effects and results

The project has, based on existing technical standard interfaces, managed to create a modular ecosystem with an open standard. This enables a future flexibility in design and creation of new services. The concept has been tested on multiple use cases with real users and based on that, the first commercial services have been created. The solution has been found to reduce the costs of care, while the users feel more free than before.

Planned setup and implementation

The project runs over a period of three years. The first focus will be on establishing business models and ensuring an architectural framework. The focus will then be shifted towards different use cases that will be developed during the project. Each use case starts with a co-design stage where potential user groups influence the design of the technical solutions, followed by development, pilot and evaluation. The steps will be iterated until the final result is ready.
