Project information
Project manager
Charlotte Silander
Other project members
Liza Reisel, Institute for Social Reseach, Norway; Ida Drange, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway; Maria Pietilä, University of Eastern Finland
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; Institute for Social Reseach and Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway; University of Eastern Finland
Pedagogy (Department of Education and Teachers' Practice, Faculty of Social Sciences)
More about the project
The Nordic countries have a long history of gender equality initiatives targeting higher education. In recent decades, the proportion of women in top positions within research and management has increased. However, there is still a lack of research that has evaluated gender equality measures and the effect they have had on gender balance and diversity in academic institutions in the Nordic region, and little systematic research has been done to analyse the potential for change inherent in the policies implemented at the national level to promote gender equality in academic careers.
In the project, we have collected data on gender equality and diversity policies on national level and in universities and university colleges in Norway, Sweden and Finland since the 1990s. The institutional data is then merged with data on the development of gender balance in the same institutions in the same time period.
We map and categorize all the equality policies implemented over time, producing a new and important overview over what types of policies have been implemented, which are the most common types of policies, and how this has changed over time. Through analysing systematic variation across institutions and over time, we are able to indicate which types of policies that tend to have positive (or possibly negative) impact on gender balance among the advanced academic staff.
The project is part of the research in the Nordic Center for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation (Nordicore).
At Linnaeus University, the project is part of the research in the The Swedish Network for European Studies research group and the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Education in Change.