hand putting the two last pieces of an all-white, round puzzle into place

Project: Health literacy among patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Low health literacy is today described as a threat to the health of patients living with inflammatory bowel disease. Health literacy is needed for patients with this disease to be able to understand, assess, and apply health information.

Project information

Project manager
Ulrica Lovén Wickman
Other project members
Susanna Ågren, Linköping University, Sweden
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University and Linköping University, Sweden
1 Aug 2024–31 Dec 2025
Caring and health science (Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)

More about the project

Health literacy can be described as patients’ ability to analyse and evaluate health information and to develop a health-promoting problem-solving and action capacity. This requires that healthcare meets the information needs of patients and takes their expertise into account in the collaboration on the content and structure of care. The starting point for health literacy is that individuals themselves can promote health, solve health problems, and be active partners in the choice of measures and in decisions made.

Low health literacy is today described as a threat to the health of patients living with inflammatory bowel disease. Health literacy is needed for patients with this disease to be able to understand, assess, and apply health information. Every visit to gastroenterological clinics is dependent on health literacy.

It is of interest to explore health literacy among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. More research is needed to enable an improvement in patients’ knowledge.

The project is part of the research in the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Sustainable Health.