collage with person pointing at a tool node in a network of symbols

Project: Pre-study: Info and technology needed for a production-maintenance system

This project will develop a conceptual model describing a smart, sustainable, integrated production-maintenance system for effective production planning, scheduling, follow up and decision making.

Project information

Project name
Pre-study: Info and technology needed for a cloud-based, smart, sustainable, integrated production-maintenance system
Project manager
Basim Al-Najjar
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, E-maintenance Sweden AB, Astra Zeneca (Sweden and India), Ericsson (Sweden and India), Uppsala University (Sweden) and Stockholm University (Sweden)
Vinnova and the participating companies
10 Dec 2020–30 Sept 2021
Terotechnology (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology)

More about the project

The major goal of this pre-study is to identify and prepare the required information, knowledge, tools, modules, technologies and Indian partners for a project within smart manufacturing in the spirit of the collaboration between Sweden and India. We aim to develop a conceptual model describing a smart, sustainable, integrated production-maintenance system (Smart-Pro) for effective production planning, scheduling, follow up and decision making, for e.g. flexible and just-in-time production.

To support the Smart-Pro system, the project will also describe a plug-and-play solution for automatic detection-localizing of damages, severity estimation, prediction of damage development, recommendation of what, where and when to act cost-effectively to maintain production process quality. A consortium from the Swedish academia and industry (with a couple of their Indian factories) will be put together.