Collaborative, co-creative knowledge building
Thinking and acting entrepreneurially requires creativity, innovation, and an ability to take existing practices and ideas and operationally organise them in new ways.
Studies have shown that building new knowledge in the cultural field demands the joint efforts of diverse partners. At InKuiS we operate on the premise that such collaborative, co-creative knowledge building also develops cultural entrepreneurial skills.
We collaborate with:
Institutions: county and regional museums, theatres, and art galleries; regional and municipal cultural administrations; and business developers.
Independent creators: music venues, cultural festivals, cultural organisers, art venues and galleries, craft artists, the tourism industry, as well as regional and local associations, societies, and interest organisations.
The digital world: to realise the potential of digitalisation and create new digital business models.
InKuiS is funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity.