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Project: Insight – Inclusive teaching methods in higher education

The fundamental objective of the Insight project is to identify, at university level, inclusive teaching strategies in order to improve the teaching-learning processes and participation. Not only of students with specific learning difficulties, but of all students.

Project information

Project manager
Pernilla Söderberg
Other project members
John Rack
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
Podillia State University, Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences ff Ukraine, Ukraine
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), Switzerland
European Dyslexia Association, Belgium
SOS Dislessia, Italy
European Centre of Entrepreneurship Competence and Excellence (ECECE), Austria
Formodena, Italy
European Union, Erasmus+
1 Sept 2024–31 Aug 2027
Pedagogy (Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences)

More about the project

The fundamental objective of the Insight project is to identify, at university level, inclusive teaching strategies in order to improve the teaching-learning processes and participation. Not only of students with SpLD (specific learning difficulties), a number that is constantly increasing, but of all students (so as to eliminate an educational disparity). These strategies, consistent with the principles of Universal Design, can be disseminated and implemented in other training, university and school contexts, at a European and non-European level.



Project logotype with affiliated organisations and companies