Project: Integrated approach for industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-industry sector
This project mainly financed by KK-stiftelsen (Knowledge Foundation) was the platform for the Triple Helix collaboration on industrial water handling in Småland and the islands.
About the project
Project Manager: prof. William Hogland
Scientific Coordinator: prof. Marcia Marques
Project Members: Åke Erlandsson (AB Gustaf Kähr), Anna Karlsson (Kalmar Energi AB), Ann-Christin Bayard (Sustainable Sweden), PhD students: Fabio Kaczala, Sawanya Laohaprapanon, Henric Svensson, Henrik Hansson, Eva Kumar, Joacim Rosenlund
Funding Organizations: KK-stiftelsen, Tillväxtverket, Regionförbundet i Kalmar län, Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Sherwin-Williams, AkzoNobel, AB Gustaf Kähr, Kalmar Energi, Revatec, Linnaeus University
Cooperation partners: Linnaeus University, Sherwin-Williams, AkzoNobel, AB Gustaf Kähr, Kalmar Energi, Revatec, Sustainable Sweden Southeast AB
Steering group: prof. Rune Bake-Chairman (Telemark University College, Norway), prof. Lennart Mathiasson (Lund University, Sweden) and prof. Lennart Mårtensson (Kristianstad University, Sweden)
Timetable: 2008-2013 (expanded to 2014)
Faculty/Department at Linnaeus University: Faculty of Health and Life Sciences/Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Subject: Industrial wastewater and stormwater management in wood-based industries
Winner of the "Sweden Impact of Science 2017" in the category "Physical Sciences and Engineering", by the AESIS Network (Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science).
More about the project
The problem and goals
Both highly contaminated wastewater streams generated indoor by the wood floor industry after cleaning and washing machinery and surfaces as well as large volumes of runoff from logs storage areas after irrigation of logs required proper characterization and the development of cost-effective, easy to handle one-site treatment options. The relevance was mostly to protect the wastewater treatment plants and biological processes, as well as the receiving water bodies in the area and at the same time to meet increasing demands from the environmental authorities.
Project activities
The project has focused basically on: (i) physical chemical and ecotoxicological characterization of five different wastewater streams and stormwater runoff generated after precipitation and irrigation of logs; (ii) treatability studies using a wide range of techniques and strategies including separate and combined (coupled treatment) physical, chemical and biological processes, focusing on the development cost-effective and easy to operate on-site treatment options to meet increasing environmental regulatory demands; (iii) training MSc students to work in the environmental engineering market; (iv) produce scientific publications to disseminate innovative approaches and contribute to the scientific knowledge within the field; (v) producing PhD theses and doctors to work in research and education, as well as in the wastewater treatment field; (vi) disseminating societal awareness about the relevance of on-site treatment of pollution to protect the water cycle and the water resources.
Latest news on the project:
Linnaeus University winner in two categories in Sweden Impact of Science Award