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Project: Interprofessional collaboration and competence in emergency care for persons with mental unhealth (Care-MeU)

Mental unhealth is increasing in all age groups and is common among persons seeking emergency somatic care. Professionals who encounter these patients in different contexts therefore need to strengthen their collaboration and competence, to provide good, safe, and secure care.

Project information

Project manager
Mats Holmberg, Linnaeus University
Other project members
Henrik Andersson, University of Borås and Linnaeus University
Anders Svensson, Linnaeus University

Ola Kronkvist, Linnaeus University
Hanna Tuvesson, Linnaeus University
Kim Wallin, Linnaeus University
Ragnar Eneström, Swedish Red Cross University College
Staffan Hammarbäck, Linnaeus University
Jonas Aléx, Umeå University
Ewa Andersson, Linnaeus University
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University
Centrum för klinisk forskning Sörmland (CKF), Ambulanssjukvården region Sörmland, Fredrik och Ingrid Thurings stiftelse, Längmanska kulturfonden
1 January 2021 – 1 January 2025
Health and Caring Sciences

Graphical description of the project
The image shows examples of different professionals within emergency care for mental unhealth: police, ambulance care, emergency department, psychiatric care, homecare service, fire department.

More about the project

Mental unhealth increases in all age groups, both nationally and internationally. People suffering from mental unhealth do not always have access to qualified care in the emergency somatic care. The stigma has a profound effect on these people, which creates obstacles to patient safety and affects the conditions for emergency care.

Emergency care for mental unhealth can be provided by several different professionals in different organizations such as home care services, ambulance care, the police, primary care, psychiatric care etc. A prerequisite for safe emergency care is that these different professionals and organizations can work effectively together for the patient's best interests. This means that good and cohesive emergency care for people suffering from mental unhealth is based on collaboration between different professionals in the immediate environment in which the person is.

There are today gray areas in emergency care; Today's downpipe organizations and educations lead to a lack of knowledge about each other's responsibilities and roles in the care of people with mental unhealth. This leads to a poorer utilization of existing resources, with consequences for people’s suffering. Furthermore, to some extent there is a lack of both sufficient education and experience - in assessing and caring for people suffering from mental unhealth - in the various professional categories that face them in the acute phase. There is thus a risk that people with mental unhealths will not have access to the care they are entitled to. Thus, the professions that encounter these people need both to strengthen their collaboration and the caring competence, as a prerequisite for the patient to experience good, safe, and secure emergency care.

The overall aim of the project is to develop in-depth knowledge of assessing, being assessed and caring in connection with mental unhealth based on various professionals, patients, and relatives in the emergency chain of care. Furthermore, the aim is to create knowledge about how this interprofessional care can support and strengthen well-being in people with mental unhealths.

The project is a collaboration between the Center for interprofessional collaboration and collab-oration within emergency care (CICE), the Center for police research and development (CPU) at Linnaeus University, Region Sörmland, Region Kronoberg, University of Borås and Umeå University.

The project is part of the research in:
Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care (CICE)