Project: Interprofessional, student-run, primary Care clinics (I Care)
This EU project targets the implementation of new tools and technologies, skills, innovative training and student internship, teaching methods for active university-healthcare sector collaboration in primary health care.
Project information
Project name
Interprofessional, student-run, primary Care clinics: A university-enterprise knowledge triangle cooperation approach (I Care)
Project manager
Mosad Zineldin
Other project members
Teachers/researchers from different departments within health sciences at Linnaeus University
Participating organizations
From the EU: Linnaeus University; Università degli studi di Genova, Italy; Polytechnio Kritis, Greece; Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Estonia; Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Austria
From Egypt: Alexandria University, Assiut University, Al-Azhar University, Helwan University, Badr University, The British University in Egypt, International For Applied Science And Technology
From Lebanon: Notre Dame University, Beirut Arab University, Modern University for Business & Science, LEAD Healthcare Consultancy
EU/EACEA Erasmus+ Capacity Building
15 Jan 2021–14 Jan 2025 (excluded assesment and reporting- 30 June 2025)
Medicine, health science (Department of Medicine and Optometry, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)
More about the project
This I Care joint EU project contributes to strengthening the capacities of the higher education partner universities and institutions of the programme countries Sweden, Italy, Austria, Estonia and Greece in the partner countries Egypt and Lebanon. This is done by targeting the implementation of new tools and technologies, skills, innovative training and student internship, teaching methods for active and university-healthcare sector collaboration in primary health care. By choosing this theme, the project fits perfectly into the field of “bringing universities together, by strengthening health sciences curricula (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and nursing, allied health services, psychology, etc) through the development of university-health sector I Care clinic centres.
This project will develop and establish I Care centres and clinics which provide education, training, research, primary health care patient treatment and community engagement. Some benefits of the inter-professional, student-led clinic (SLC) model are:
- For the medical and healthcare science students: an opportunity to develop clinical skills within a supervised environment.
- For patients: increased access for underserved and disadvantaged communities to free health care services.
The main objective of this project and the IPC/IPE model is to strengthen the university-enterprise (healthcare sittings) cooperation, and also to allow students to directly contribute to patient health and feel valued for what they can provide the society with during their training.