Man holding ballons shaping a heart.

Project: KBT-based online support for sexual rehabilitation after prostate cancer

This project intends to develop and test an Internet-based KBT support focusing on sexual rehabilitation for couples where one party has undergone prostate cancer treatment.

Project information

Project manager
Amanda Hellström, R.N, senior lecturer in Caring Sciences Linnaeus University
Other project members
Camilla Wennerberg, R.N, urotherapist Region Kalmar County; Carina Danemalm-Jägervall, R.N, sexual advisor Region Kronoberg; Jonas Hallberg, leg. psychologist, PhD, ANOVA, Karolinska University Hospital; Miriam Ekstedt, R.N, Professor of Caring Sciences Linnaeus University and Karolinska Institutet; Viktor Kaldo, leg. psychologist, professor of Psychology Linnaeus University and Karolinska Institutet
Participating organisations
Linnaeus University, Region Kalmar, Karolinska Institutet
Cancerstiftelsen Kalmar län

Caring sciences (Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)
Research group
Systems Safety in Health Care (SSiHC)

More about the project

Through the project "Active patient participation with the help of e-health support in cancer care transitions", it became clear that decrease of the sexual ability after surgery for prostate cancer is a common problem. Many men feel they lack the right support to deal with this problem. The consequences on the sex life are not only physical, but also about changed self-image and relationships. Therefore, it is important to offer support that consider all these parts.

With this project, we want to create an online support based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), where each treatment module has a specific focus, e.g. drug treatment and aids, intimacy and communication, self-image and quality of life. The design of the support makes it flexible to take part in and it can equalize regional differences for follow-up. In 2020, we will develop the treatment modules. We then plan to do a smaller study where we target couples, where one party has undergone prostate cancer treatment to test the support.

The project is part of the research in the research group Systems Safety in Health Care (SSiHC).