pile of historical letters

Project: Making mission families

The purpose of this project is to investigate how ideas and practises concerning family, household and home are constructed and negotiated within Scandinavian Christian missions in China in the early 20th century.

Facts about the project

Full title of the project
Making Mission Families: Concurrent practices and relations of early twentieth century domesticities of Scandinavian missions in central China.
Project manager

Malin Gregersen
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
Jan 1 2020 – Dec 31 2021

More about the project

The purpose of this project is to investigate how ideas and practises involved in family, household and home are constructed and negotiated within Scandinavian Christian missions in China in the early 20th century.

The project is carried out in the form of a pilot study which especially focuses on the private discussions and negotiations of family members concerning the process of setting up a new home and household in China. The project focuses on the period directly before and during the time when home and household are created and analyses how the home is discussed and planned in personal correspondences between Scandinavian missionaries stationed in the Hunan province in the years around 1920.

The project is carried out as part of the research in Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies.