EKG-övervakning inspelningsaktivitet av hjärtfrekvens under sjukhus drift, kirurgi

Project: Perioperative temperature monitoring: a point prevalence study

A multicenter study in collaboration with Australia, Norway, and Sweden. To evaluate perioperative monitoring and heat conservation measures, and documentation of these.

Facts about the project

Project manager
Ingrid Gustafsson
Other project members
Andreas Nilsson, Linköping University; Judy Munday and Clint Douglas, Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Linda Hansen and Tor-Ivar Karlsen, University of Agder, Norway
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; Linköping University; Queensland University of Technology, Australia; University of Agder, Norway
FORSS (Research Council of Southeast Sweden)
January 1, 2021–30 June 2024
Health and caring sciences (Department of Health and Caring Sciences (Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)
Research group

More about the project

The human has a basic need, to avoid to getting cold and to maintain hers/his normal temperature. However, it is during the perioperative period ie. before, during and after surgery, commonly occurring with perioperative hypothermia, which means a core temperature below 36 degrees. It exposes the patient to the risk of complications, which can cause physical, mental, and financial suffering, depending on the complication that occurs. To prevent complications, there are several preventive measures - heat conservation measures.

Temperature measurement is one part of the data used to assess the need for warming and before deciding to use heat conservation measures, or which heat conservation measures. However, there is a lack of research if temperature measurement being done according to current guidelines, both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, if current documentation of temperature and heat conservation efforts is done.

The study’s result gives both av national and an international perspective. It should also provide support for improvement and a equal care, to reduce the risk of complications and adverse events. A reduced number of complications can also result in financial savings and resources, at the societal level. The study will be a starting point for future studies.

The project is part of the research in CISE (Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care).