
Project: Recently arrived students in Swedish Upper Secondary School – a multidisciplinary study on language development, disciplinary literacy and social inclusion

The overall purpose of this multidisciplinary project is to describe, analyze and discuss a hitherto under-researched area of recently arrived students’ schooling: the students’ language development, disciplinary literacy and social inclusion in relation to how the education of these students is contextually framed and conducted in upper secondary school. The project aims to contribute to our knowledge on recently arrived students’ opportunities for inclusion, linguistic and academic development at the upper secondary level, as well as their prospects for further studies or employability.

Project information

Project manager

Päivi Juvonen

Other project members

Monica Axelsson, Linnaeus University, Georgina Charisis, Linnaeus University, Madeleine Medóc, Linnaeus University, Karin Rehman, Linnaeus University; Ingrid Lennartsson Hokkanen, Stockholm University; Nihad Bunar, Stockholm University; Åsa Wedin, Dalarna University; Erika Bomström Aho, Dalarna University

Participating organizations

Linnaeus University, Stockholm University, Dalarna University


Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet)


1 januari 2018-31 december 2021


Swedish as a second language (Department of Swedish, Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

More about the project

The overall purpose of the project is to describe, analyze and discuss a hitherto under- researched area of recently arrived students' schooling: the students' language development, disciplinary literacy and social inclusion in relation to how the education of these students is contextually framed and conducted in upper secondary school. Specific questions include: What kinds of inclusive classroom practices are there? What kinds of specific scaffolding pedagogies are used? What kinds of support, in terms of teacher collaboration, instruction in Swedish as a second language, subject support through mother tongue, and mother tongue instruction are offered in two different macro environments (a large city and two smaller towns)? Do the students succeed in pursuing an academic career? The methodological approach is mainly qualitative, with participant observation, video and audio recordings, interviews, formative assessment protocols and linguistic landscaping, but some quantitative survey data will also be collected. In analyzing the qualitative data, we apply ethnographic methods and functional linguistic analyses. The project aims to contribute to our knowledge on recently arrived students' opportunities for inclusion, linguistic and academic development at the upper secondary level, as well as their prospects for further studies or employability. This will be done by critically examining existing practices, and is expected to result in suggestions for improvements.