Project: Smart Industry
The goal of this project is to develop courses in mechanical engineering at advanced level according to the industry's competence requirements. The project is aimed at companies manufacturing discrete products, which includes subcontractors as well as companies that both develop and manufacture their own products.
Project information
Project manager
Lars Håkansson
Other project members at Linnaeus University
Mirka Kans, Gunnar Bolmsjö, Tobias Schauerte, Diana Unander, Izudin Dugic, Samir Khoshaba
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Volvo CE, Kalmar Global Equip (Cargo Tech Sweden), Wexiodisk AB, Centrum för informationslogistik AB (CIL), Additivt teknikcenter i Hultsfred AB, Växjöregionens teknikföretag (GoTech), NIBE AB
The Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen)
1 Sept 2019–28 Febr 2021 (step 1)
Mechanical engineering (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology)
More about the project
The goal of this project is to develop courses in mechanical engineering at advanced level according to the industry's competence requirements, but also flexible methods for course development, implementation, admission process, etc to meet the needs in industry. Laboratory experiments are carried out inter in the Epic laboratory, among other places. The project is aimed at companies manufacturing discrete products, which includes subcontractors as well as companies that both develop and manufacture their own products.
The Smart Industry project aims to meet the needs of manufacturing companies to strengthen competence and competitiveness. This includes both subcontractors and companies that both develop and manufacture their own products. In step 1 (this project), pilot courses of 10-15 credits will be developed and implemented in collaboration with the industry according to their requirements.
Specific sub targets for the Smart Industry project, part 1, are:
- Pilot courses at advanced level of a total of 10-15 credits
- Methods for course development
- Pedagogic method of implementation
- Administrative methods for acceptance and validation
- Larger network of participating companies
- A proposal for a set of courses that meets step 2 of the project
- Application for step 2 of the project.
The project's activities consist of:
- Development of pilot courses
- Development of a pedagogic method of implementation and a method for course development
- Development of administrative methods that include acceptance and validation
- Implement the developed courses
- Build a larger network of participating companies
- Develop a proposal for a set of courses that meets step 2 of the project
- Preparation of the application for step 2
The core of the project is formed by the pilot courses that are developed together with participating companies according to their requirements. Participation takes place in different ways, such as during the development of courses and course material and in teaching, but also with experimental setups. The topics for the courses that are being developed in the project will preliminary be within areas such as robotisation, industry digitization, quality control, and applied mechanics. Courses that will be developed and given for professionals in the industry will be sub-sets of corresponding planned and upcoming courses in the university's ordinary selection.
The project's results and benefits are to strengthen competence and competitiveness as well as innovation capacity of the participating companies, but also to strengthen the platform for collaboration between industry and the research and education environment Mechanical Engineering at Linnaeus University, which the project is part of.
- Diana Unander Research and Project Coordinator
- +46 470-76 78 65
- +46 73-057 70 64
- dianaunanderlnuse
- Gunnar Bolmsjö Professor
- gunnarbolmsjolnuse
- Izudin Dugic Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 16
- +46 72-231 77 21
- izudindugiclnuse
- Lars Håkansson professor, head of department
- +46 470-70 83 50
- +46 73-338 57 12
- larshakanssonlnuse
- Mirka Kans Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 84 88
- +46 76-760 36 68
- mirkakanslnuse
- Samir Khoshaba Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 15
- +46 76-760 36 69
- samirkhoshabalnuse
- Tobias Schauerte Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 24
- +46 72-239 45 73
- tobiasschauertelnuse