
Project: Social structure and ageing in social mole-rats

It has been suggested that social mole-rats may be organised in permanent, distinct castes that differ in behaviour and longevity, suggesting that their organisation resembles that of social insects. However, behavioural data are rare and the development of behavioural differences and contrasting life-histories is unclear. This project will investigate whether some social mole-rats may be organised in distinct castes that differ in behaviour and longevity.

Project information

Project manager
Markus Zöttl
Other project members
Tim Clutton-Brock, University of Cambridge, UK; Shazia Irshad, Oxford University, UK; Nigel Bennett, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; University of Cambridge, UK
Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Council)

1 Jan 2018-31 Dec 2020
Ecology, Evolutionary Biology (Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)