water sprinkled fibre board

Project: TallBoard: Tall oil application in industrial fiberboards

The aim of this project is to replace the fossil-based paraffin wax with a hydrophobic agent made from tall oil for manufacturing industrial-scale fiberboards.

Project information

Project manager
Reza Hosseinpourpia
Other project members
Marta Kaliszewicz, Andreas Stephan, Sheikh Ali Ahmed
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, SLU, IKEA Industry AB and SunPine AB, Sweden; Lawter Maastricht BV, the Netherlands
Vinnova, the strategic innovation program BioInnovation's call "Möjliggörande teknologier och processer för biobaserade produkter", spring 2023
1 June 2023–30 Nov 2025
Forestry and Wood Technology (Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Faculty of Technology)

More about the project

Tall oil is a by-product of Kraft pulping, mainly used to produce bio-diesel, drying oils, soaps, lubricants, linoleum, paints, and varnishes. Tall oil pitch is the side stream of the refining process with the application as a binder in cement and as an emulsifier for asphalt.

The TallBoard project aims to establish a new value chain for forest biorefinery by replacing the fossil-based synthetic paraffin wax with tall oil pitch-derived hydrophobic formula at the industrial scale fiberboards. The project envisages the upscaling potential of the formulas for manufacturing fiberboard panels in full-scale industrial environments by addressing the relevant technological, market and sustainability aspects, thus targeting to reach TRL7, MRL5 and SRL5.

The project is part of the research in the Forest Products research group and the Linnaeus Knowledge Environments Advanced Materials and Green Sustainable Development.
