Illustration of a man sitting in a window

Project: The Achilles’ Heel of Men – Prostate cancer and men’s physical and mental health in old age

Although there is a growing literature on masculinity and prostate cancer in the social sciences, the field of research on prostate cancer and other prostatic problems are mainly found in medicine and the biomedical literature. Treatment and rehabilitation from illness, however, affects the individual more holistically. Combining sexual medicine with phenomenological and sociological studies can generate important insights in formal as well as informal care, and thus create means for improved quality of life for men living with, or treated for prostate cancer, and their families.

Project information

Project manager
Jesper Andreasson
Other project members
Cecilia Rindhagen, Linnaeus University; Thomas Johansson, Göteborgs universitet; Carina Danemalm-Jägervall, Central Hospital in Växjö (Region Kronoberg)
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Gothenburg University, Region Kronoberg
The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity
1 Jan 2022–31 Dec 2024
Sport Science (Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Social Sciences)

More about the project

This project aims to investigate how men (65 years and older) describe their experiences of living with prostate cancer and its treatment, and how they in relation to the problems and predicaments that this condition brings, construct their identities, health and well-being in daily life. In the project, we will initially talk to urologists to get a picture of how men with prostate cancer are approached and met in counselling. Following this, the main part of the project will – from a salutogenic approach – analyse how men with prostate cancer develop strategies to handle their life situation and the treatment of their condition.

The focus will be on both phenomenological aspects of prostate cancer – how the disease affects men’s self perception and lifestyles – and on sociological aspects, that is how gender and masculinity is understood and negotiated in social situations/interactions with, for example, partners and care professionals.

The project will utilize a qualitative and phenomenological approach to the research consisting of four related work packages (WP) conducted over the course of 3 years. We will conduct interviews with both professional urologists, and men with prostate cancer. We will also conduct group interviews through so-called memory exercises

The project is part of the research in the Health, Gender and Embodiment research group and in Ethnographic Forum.