a happy elderly woman

Seed project: Psychological well-being and opportunities for inclusion for older LGBTQ+ individuals (FLORIS)

The purpose of the project is to design a digital tool to facilitate communication for older LGBTQ+ individuals about their life situation, well-being, and thoughts regarding their care and support needs.

Project information

Project manager
Anna Bratt
Other project members
Bo Andersson, Linnaeus University; Matilda Wurm, Örebro University; Ann-Christine Peterson Hjelm, Uppsala University.
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Örebro University, Uppsala University, Växjö Municipality
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Digital Transformations
1 August 2023 – 31 December 2026
Psychology (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)

More about the project

We want to create a digital tool that will facilitate communication for older LGBTQ+ individuals about their life situation, well-being, and thoughts regarding their care and support needs. Sometimes, there may be specific needs related to gender identity and sexual orientation. Healthcare and caregiving professionals generally avoid asking questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, as they perceive it as private and aim to treat everyone equally. There is a need for support to help professionals ask inclusive and respectful questions.

What is a seed project?

A seed project is a minor project funded by a knowledge environment or a research group at the university. The aim is to launch and promote excellent research. Depending on the financier, a seed project may be to idenfify new or deepen existing collaborations, preferably cross-disciplinary ones, to explore possible research issues in a feasibility study, to collect empirical material, or to write an application for external funding.

The project is part of: