Person walking on an arrow showing two directions

Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics

The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one and three years after the contact has started, in order to identify significant factors that can affect trajectories for different sub-groups of young people.

Project information

Project manager
Mats Anderberg, Mikael Dahlberg
Other project members
Martin Hugo, Katarina Olausson, Linnaeus University; Karin Boson, Johan Hagborg Melander, University of Gothenburg
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University; University of Gothenburg
The Kamprad Family Foundation, FORTE
1 Sept 2019–31 DEC 2022
Social work, social pedagogy, psychology

More about the project

This interdisciplinary research project is based on the fact that many young people with substance abuse problems and mental problems are "sent around" between different care providers without receiving relevant help with their problems. Maria clinics, where social services and healthcare work together, have been developed to address this problem and are now located in several Swedish cities.

As outpatient treatment is the most common form of care for young people with substance abuse problems in Sweden, it is thus important to find out how it works. In this longitudinal research project, approximately 500 young people from the Maria clinics are followed up one and three years after the contact has begun, via information from national registers. The study also includes interviews with therapists, young people and parents about their experiences of treatment and important aspects of the change process.

The central issue is to study young people's long-term change in terms of their alcohol and drug use, mental health, social situation and how special risk and protection factors affect the outcome for different groups' development paths. The research project is expected to offer knowledge about the target group's change and the significant factors that affect the outcome after outpatient treatment at the Maria clinics, which in turn can form the basis for designing more appropriate interventions and prevention interventions.
